Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: A Short History
Part I: The Northeast
Chapter 3: Native Nations of the Northeast
Chapter 4: The Mohawks
Chapter 5: The Mi’kmaq
Part II: The Southeast
Chapter 6: Native Nations of the Southeast
Chapter 7: The Choctaws
Part III: The Plains
Chapter 8: Native Nations of The Plains
Chapter 9: The Teton Lakotas
Chapter 10: The Hidatsas
Part IV: The Great Basin
Chapter 11: Native Nations of the Great Basin
Chapter 12: The Shoshones
Part V: The Southwest
Chapter 12: Native Nations of the Southwest
Chapter 14: The Zunis
Chapter 15: Navajos
Part VI: California
Chapter 16: Native Nations of California
Chapter 17: The Pomos
Part VII: The Plateau
Chapter18: Native Nations of the Plateau
Chapter 19: The Nez Perce
Part VIII: The Northwest Coast
Chapter 20: Native Nations of the Northwest Coast
Chapter 21: The Kwakwaka’wakw (or Kwakiutls)
Part IX: The Subarctic and Arctic
Chapter 22: Native Nations of the Subarctic and Arctic
Chapter 23: The Innu (or Montagnais)
Chapter 24: The Inuit
Chapter 25: Native Communities Today
Chapter 26: Contemporary Challenges
Chapter 27: The Arts, Pop Culture, and Representation
About the Author