Chapter 1. Power and International Politics
1.1 What is Power in Global Affairs? (Joseph S. Nye, Jr.)
1.2 The Melian Dialogue (Thucydides)
1.3 Six Principles of Political Realism (Hans J. Morgenthau)
1.4 A Critique of Morgenthau’s Principles of Political Realism (J. Ann Tickner)
1.5 The Device of Race in International Politics (Ralph J. Bunche)
1.6 Legitimacy in International Politics (Ian Hurd)
1.7 Morality and International Politics (E. H. Carr)
Chapter 2. Anarchy and Strategic Interaction
2.1 The Anarchic Structure of World Politics (Kenneth N. Waltz)
2.2 Anarchy and the Struggle for Power (John J. Mearsheimer)
2.3 Anarchy Is What States Make of It (Alexander Wendt)
2.4 Rationalist Explanations for War (James D. Fearon)
2.5 Offense, Defense, and the Security Dilemma (Robert Jervis)
Chapter 3. The Mitigation of Anarchy
3.1 Cooperation Under the Security Dilemma (Robert Jervis)
3.2 Kant, Liberal Legacies, and Foreign Affairs (Michael W. Doyle)
3.3 Alliances: Balancing and Bandwagoning (Stephen M. Walt)
3.4 The Future of Diplomacy (Hans J. Morgenthau)
3.5 Competing Perspectives on International Law and Politics (Leslie Johns)
3.6 International Institutions: Can Interdependence Work? (Robert O. Keohane)
3.7 The U.N. Security Council (Adam Roberts and Dominik Zaum)
Chapter 4. The Political Uses of Force
4.1 The Fungibility of Force (Robert J. Art)
4.2 The Diplomacy of Violence (Thomas C. Schelling)
4.3 The Four Functions of Force (Robert J. Art)
4.4 What is Terrorism? (Bruce Hoffman)
Chapter 5. The Utility of Force Today
5.1 The Power and Limits of Compellence (Robert J. Art and Kelly M. Greenhill)
5.2 Nuclear Coercion Myths (Todd S. Sechser and Matthew Fuhrmann)
5.3 When Migrants Become Weapons (Kelly M. Greenhill)
5.4 The Record of Nonviolent Resistance (Erica Chenoweth)
5.5 The Cybersecurity Dilemma (Ben Buchanan)
Chapter 6. Nuclear Futures
6.1 Deterrence in the Emerging Nuclear Era (Caitlin Talmadge)
6.2 Losing Control in Crises (Robert Jervis)
6.3 A World Without Nuclear Weapons? (Thomas C. Schelling)
Chapter 7. Foundational Perspectives on Political Economy
7.1 The Nature and Study of International Political Economy (Robert Gilpin)
7.2 Economic Interdependence and War (Dale C. Copeland)
7.3 Why Doesn’t Everyone Get the Case for Free Trade? (Dani Rodrik)
Chapter 8. Perspectives on the Global Political Economy Today
8.1 Globalization of the Economy (Jeffrey Frankel)
8.2 The International Consequences of Financial Fragility (Jonathan Kirshner)
8.3 Understanding the Crisis at the WTO (Aseema Sinha)
8.4 America’s Self-Defeating Retreat (Adam S. Posen)
8.5 New Rules for the Global Economy (Dani Rodrik)
8.6 Green Upheaval: The New Geopolitics of Energy (Jason Bordoff and Meghan L. O’Sullivan)
Chapter 9. The Return of Great Power Politics
9.1 Emerging Multipolarity: Why Should We Care? (Barry R. Posen)
9.2 Balancing Soft and Hard Power: China, Russia, and the United States (John M. Owen)
9.3 Wedge Strategies: Can China Divide India and the United States? (Timothy W. Crawford)
9.4 The New Cold War: America, China, and the Echoes of History (Hal Brands and John Lewis Gaddis)
9.5 The False Promise of Russian Balancing against China (Robert S. Ross)
9.6 How the International System Can Still Check China and Russia (Stacie Goddard)
Chapter 10. Human Rights, Civil Wars, and Interventions
10.1 Global Human Rights in the Twenty-First Century (Emilie M. Hafner-Burton)
10.2 Transnational Activist Networks (Margaret E. Keck and Kathryn Sikkink)
10.3 The “New” New Civil Wars (Barbara F. Walter)
10.4 To the Shores of Tripoli? Regime Change and Its Consequences (Alexander B. Downes)
10.5 The Astonishing Success of Peacekeeping (Barbara F. Walter, Lise Morjé Howard, and V. Page Fortna)
10.6 Crafting Peace through Power Sharing (Caroline A. Hartzell and Matthew Hoddie)
Chapter 11. Managing the Global Commons
11.1 Why Climate Change Matters More Than Anything Else (Joshua Busby)
11.2 The Realist Guide to Solving Climate Change (Stephen M. Walt)
11.3 The Future of the Global Nuclear Order (Jeffrey W. Knopf)
11.4 Health Diplomacy in Pandemical Times (Tanisha M. Fazal)
Chapter 12. The Political Shape of the Future
12.1 Why China Won’t Overtake the United States (Stephen G. Brooks and William C. Wohlforth)
12.2 How Fear of China is Forging a New World Order (Michael Beckley)
12.3 The Next Liberal Order (G. John Ikenberry)
12.4 How US Hegemony Ends: The Unraveling of American Power(Alexander Cooley and Daniel H. Nexon)