The Basic Structure and Argument of Truth and Method, Jean Grondin
Chapter 1 Gadamer on the Significance of the Humanist Tradition for the Human Sciences, or: Truth and Edification, Theodore George
Chapter 2 Gadamer’s Astonishing Question: Engaging with Gadamer’s Critique of Kant’s Aesthetics, Nicholas Davey
Chapter 3 Re-claiming Art’s Claim to Truth, Daniel L. Tate
Chapter 4 Gadamer on Play as Ontological Explanation, Jessica Frazier
Chapter 5 Gadamer and the Plastic Arts, Cynthia R. Nielsen
Chapter 6 Schleiermacher’s Hermeneutics and Historical Meaning, Kevin M. Vander Schel
Chapter 7 Phenomenology’s Essential Role in the Hermeneutic Tradition, David Vessey
Chapter 8 The Historical Situation of Thought as a Hermeneutic Principle, Carolyn Culbertson
Chapter 9 The Recovery of the Fundamental Hermeneutic Problem, Application and Normativity, David Liakos
Chapter 10 The Finitude of Reflection, Greg Lynch
Chapter 11 Language as Medium of Hermeneutic Experience, Carlo DaVia
Chapter 12 Gadamer and the Concept of Language, Gert-Jan van der Heiden
Chapter 13 On Language and the Universality of Hermeneutics, James Risser