Rowman & Littlefield Publishers / Alban Books
Pages: 200
Trim: 6¼ x 9½
978-1-5381-6763-2 • Hardback • September 2022 • $84.00 • (£65.00)
978-1-5381-6764-9 • Paperback • September 2022 • $30.00 • (£25.00)
978-1-5381-6765-6 • eBook • August 2022 • $28.50 • (£19.99)
Kristina Lizardy-Hajbi is director of the Office of Professional Formation and term assistant professor of leadership and formation at Iliff School of Theology. She is an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ and has served as a hospital chaplain, youth leader, multicultural student affairs administrator, and denominational staff.
Matthew Floding was director of ministerial formation at Duke Divinity School. He is an ordained minister in the Reformed Church in America and has served as pastor, college chaplain, dean of students and director of field education.
Kristina Lizardy-Hajbi and Matthew Floding
- A Community Said Yes
Matthew Floding
- Callings Shaped by Purpose
Kristina Lizardy-Hajbi
- What Are Pastors For?
Will Willimon
- A Priest of Priests
Melissa Florer-Bixler
- Hear. See. Tell. Walk Through the Unlocked Door
William H. Lamar IV
- A Calling Worthy of My Life
Brian Keepers
- Chaplaincy: Ministry That Ferments and Seasons
Nancy Elizabeth Wood
- Engaging, Embracing, and Expressing Self in Callings
Tammerie Day
- What is Your Thing? Discerning “It” and Doing “It” Scared!
Danielle J. Buhuro
- A Call to Serve
Ruth Naomi Segres
- A Calling to the Academy
David Emmanuel Goatley
- Vocation as Communal
Christine J. Hong
- Learning to Be Carried
Keith Starkenburg
- Rags to Riches to Rags
Miguel A. De La Torre
- Participating in God’s Wide Welcome: The Ministry of Camps, Conference, and Retreat Centers
Theresa F. Latini
- It Started with Trees
Kent Busman
- In Such a Season
Elivette Mendez Angulo
- Becoming the Clay
Megan Shepherd
- A Calling to Campus
Trygve D. Johnson
- Doing Campus Ministry Latinamente
Eddie De León
- Unfolding
Kate Holbrook
- Called by Name for Engagement with the World
Mary Schaller Blaufuss
- So, You’re the Bishop
James Hazelwood
- To Say Yes, Again and Again and Again
Karen Oliveto
- Ministry in the Public Square
Traci Blackmon
- The Inward and Outward Journey of Ministry
Wesley Granberg-Michaelson
- The Communion Table as Vocational Pathway in Nonprofit Leadership
David Harrison and John Senior
- Discovering God’s Call in Prayer and Community
greg little
- Ministry Connecting Faith and Health
Kathie Bender Schwich
- Called by Community
Marilyn Pagán-Banks
- Spiritual Entrepreneurship
Patrick G. Duggan
- A Way Out of No Way
Tawana Davis
- A (Non) Sacramental (Non) Ministry of Food
Mariah Hayden
- A Thread You Follow
Nathan E. Kirkpatrick
- Holy Friendships: Ecumenical and Interfaith Connections
Katie Crowe
- An Unexpected Way
Liddy Barlow
- The Unexpected within a Call
Michael Bos
- Just Keep Walking
Amanda Henderson
- Starting New Faith Communities: What’s the Point?
Chris S. Davies
- On Starting New Things While the World Is Burning
Tyler Sit
- Mi Camino
Rhina Ramos
- Farm Church
Allen C. Brimer
- Introducing Bivocational Ministry
Darryl W. Stephens
- Thank God for Friends
Scott Cameron
- Jarena’s Daughter
Faye Taylor
- Cobbling a Mosaic in Vocation
Rebecca Jeney Park-Hearn
Matthew Floding and Kristina Lizardy-Hajbi
About the Contributors
"The book is accessible, gritty, and honest. It raises good conversation on the multiplicity of vocation and represents the complexity of life, vocation, and constructed meaning that we, in religious and ministerial circles, have known and navigated for some time. Vocation, in this context, is a complicated conversation and we have the beneficial wisdom of this diverse group of authors to articulate this complexity for us in this truth-telling and thought-provoking project.”
— Mark Chung Hearn, PhD, Associate Professor and Director of Contextual Education at Church Divinity School of the Pacific in Berkeley, CA
“Diversity of perspectives makes this volume useful for anyone discerning their vocational call to ministry. Readable and relatable, the authors share deeply personal stories of call, from traditional congregational ministry to spiritual, entrepreneurial enterprises. Bold and prophetic, the activity of the Holy Spirit is imbued in the poetry and prose. The church would do well to think about vocation and ministry in such a comprehensive manner."
— Susan MacAlpine-Gillis, Coordinator of the Summer Distance program and Assistant Professor of Pastoral Theology at Atlantic School of Theology