Editors’ Introduction
Part 1 Authoritarian Neoliberalism Challenged
1. The Feudal University in the Age of Gaming the System
Cruickshank, J.
2. Ethnoracial Populism: An Alternative to Neoliberal Globalization?
Antonio, R.J.
3. On Authoritarian Neoliberalism and Poetic Epistemology
Hall, R.
4. The Perils of Radical Subjectivity. A Comment on Antonio’s ‘Ethnoracial Populism: An Alternative to Neoliberal Globalization?’
Queiroz, R.
5. The American University, the Politics of Professors and the Narrative of ‘Liberal Bias’
Tyson, C. and Oreskes, N.
6. Epistemic Institutions: The Case for Constitutionally-Protected Academic Independence
Milne, O.
7. ‘Let us Build a City and a Tower’: Figures of the University in Gregor Reisch’s (1503) Margarita Philosophica
Hudson-Miles, R.
8. Toward a Civic Ethic for Education: Arnold, Eliot (George) and Du Bois
Lybeck, E.
Part 2 Technology: Problems and Potentials
9. The Anthropocene as a Figure of Neoliberal Hegemony
Abbinnett, R.
10. Challenges to Public Universities: Digitalisation, Commodification and Precarity
Holmwood, J. and Marcuello-Servós, C.
11. Core HR in British Higher Education: For a Technological Single Source and Version of the Truth?
Di Muccio, E.
12. Open Access and Neoliberalism: A Response to Holmwood and Marcuello-Servós
Eve, M. P.
13. Geographies of the Knowledge Economy on the Semi-Periphery: The Contradictions of Neoliberalisation and Precarity in Portugal
Standring, A. and Tulumello, S.
14. ‘Changing Behaviour’: Hierarchy and Bureaucracy in the Corporatized University
Garland, C.
Part 3 Neoliberalism as Subject and Object
15. Knowing Neoliberalism
Bacevic, J.
16. The Accident of Accessibility: How the Data of the TEF creates Neoliberal Subjects
Addendum for ‘The Accident of Accessibility’
Morrish, L.
17. Economic Freedom and the Harm of Adaptation: On Gadamer, Authoritarian Technocracy and the Re-Engineering of English Higher Education
Cruickshank, J.
18. Statist Marketisation and Culture Wars in Authoritarian Populism Times: From Nudging Student-Customers to Changing Providers’ Supply
Cruickshank, J.
19. Action and ‘Civil Death’ in the Securitized University: A Comment on Jana Bacevic’s ‘Knowing Neoliberalism’
Bose, L. S.
20. The Neoliberal University and the Common Good
Sassower, R.
21. The Making of Bullshit Leadership and Toxic Management in the Neoliberal University
Smyth, J.
22. The Uncomfortable Transformation of Discomfort in Neoliberal Higher Education
Craddock, E.
About the Contributors