Chapter 1: Choosing A Virtual Format
Identifying audiences and developing goals
Synchronous versus asynchronous storytimes
Exploration of virtual formats
Chapter 2: Technological Considerations
Hardware requirements and recommendations for library staff and patrons
Accessibility best practices
Web conferencing software features
Image, presentation, and video software features
File storage and organization
Chapter 3: Legal Issues
Privacy Laws
Storytime and Fair Use
Public domain and original content
Creative Commons and attribution
Copyright and permissions
Avoiding issues with copyright algorithms
Chapter 4: Planning and Preparation
Planning: Now With More Technology
Production quality tips
Planning interactive virtual storytimes
Book and media selection
Preparing outlines and scripts
Chapter 5: Showtime
Strategies for common challenges
Best practices during synchronous storytimes
Best practices for recording
Finishing touches in editing
Chapter 6: Engaging Staff
Key competencies for virtual storytime staff
Screen time and media mentorship
Training for virtual storytime
Avoiding and addressing staff burnout
Chapter 7: Outreach and Promotion
Creating meaningful partnerships
The marketing funnel
Digital marketing best practices
Social media engagement methods
Appendix A: Software and Websites for Content Creators
Appendix B: Case Study: Read With Us TV Series
Appendix C: Case Study: Daniel Tiger Storytime on Facebook Live
Appendix D: Sample Outline, Script, and Reflection