Chapter 1: Pick Your Battles Wisely – Trump Did Not Steven E. Schier
Chapter 2: The Republican Way Forward: Four Questions for 2024 James E. Campbell
Chapter 3: The Future of the Republican Party: 2022, 2024, and Beyond David Brady, Morris Fiorina, and Douglas Rivers
Chapter 4: What Is Trumpism? John J. Pitney, Jr.
Chapter 5: Donald Trump and America’s New Class War Glenn Harlan Reynolds
Chapter 6: Some Great Political Genius: How Trump Damaged the Republican Party William G. Mayer
Chapter 7: Expanding the Republican Coalition: Four Lessons from the Trump Presidency John H. Hinderaker
Chapter 8: Trump, the Republican Party, and American Conservatism: Retrospect and Prospect Charles R. Kesler
Chapter 9: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Donald Trump and the Republicans Andrew E. Busch