1. Are We Having Sex Now or What?, Greta Christina
2. Sexual Perversion,Thomas Nagel
3. Plain Sex, Alan Goldman
4. Sex and Sexual Perversion, Robert Gray
*5. Masturbation and the Continuum of Sexual Activities, Alan Soble
*6. Love: What’s Sex Got to Do with It?, Natasha McKeever
7. Is “Loving More” Better? The Values of Polyamory, Elizabeth Brake
*8. What Is Sexual Orientation?, Robin Dembroff
*9. Sexual Orientation: What Is It?, Kathleen Stock
*10. Asexuality, Luke Brunning and Natasha McKeever
11. LGBTQ ... Z?, Kathy Rudy
*12. How to Be a Pluralist About Gender Categories, Katharine Jenkins
13. The Negotiative Theory of Gender Identity and the Limits of First-Person Authority, Burkay Ozturk
14. Racial Sexual Desires, Raja Halwani
*15. Sex and Technology: The Ethics of Virtual Connection, Neil McArthur
*16. A Realist Sexual Ethics, Micah Newman
17. Sexual Morality and the Concept of Using Another Person, Thomas Mappes
18. Sexual Use, Alan Soble
19. Dark Desires, Seiriol Morgan
20. The Harms of Consensual Sex, Robin West
21. Casual Sex, Promiscuity, and Objectification, Raja Halwani
22. Is Prostitution Harmful?, Ole Martin Moen
23. BDSM, Shaun Miller
24. Two Views of Sexual Ethics: Promiscuity, Pedophilia, and Rape, David Benatar
25. Sexual Gifts and Sexual Duties, Alan Soble
A Bibliography of the Philosophy of Sex
*new to this edition