Chapter 1: Why Empathy Means Nothing—and Everything—for Ethics, John J. Drummond
Chapter 2: Ethics, Empathy, and Vulnerability: Trust as a Way of Making Sense of Our Vulnerability and Dependability, Esteban Marín-Ávila
Chapter 3: Emotion, Reality, and Ownership, Craig Derksen
Chapter 4: Embracing Ambiguity: Simone de Beauvoir’s Responsive Ethics, Maren Wehrle
Chapter 5: The Personalistic Attitude: Edmund Husserl and Edith Stein on Empathy as the Intuition of the Person as Value, Dermot Moran
Chapter 6: The Role of Empathy in the Affective Twist of Husserl’s Critique of an Axiological and Practical Reason, Carlos Lobo
Chapter 7: Phenomenology as Reverence: The Role of Reverence in the Phenomenological Method of Dietrich von Hildebrand, Alexander Montes
Chapter 8, “Against” Empathy: From the Isolated Self to Intersubjectivity in Martin Heidegger’s Thinking and the Consequences for Health Care, Francesca Brencio
Chapter 9: Being (N)One of Us: The Ethical and the Body, Henning Nörenberg
Chapter 10: Tomasello, Husserl, and the Cognitive Foundations of Morality, Andrea Staiti and Stefano Vincini
Chapter 11: Fiat cura, et pereat mundus: Husserl’s Phenomenology of Care and Commitment, Nicolas de Warren
Chapter 12: On the Problem of the Idealization of Empathy and Ethics, Magnus Englander and Susi Ferrarello
Chapter 13: Sharing and Other Illusions: Asymmetry in "Moments of Meeting", Joona Taipale
Chapter 14: Thinking With the Heart: From the Responsiveness of the Flesh to the Ethics of Responsibility, Elodie Boublil
Chapter 15: What Is Moral about Empathy?: Some Considerations about the Link between Empathy and Moral Judgment, Manuel Camassa
Chapter 16: Embodiment, Empathy, and the Call to Compassion: Engendering Care and Respect for ‘the Other’ in a More-Than-Human World, Scott D. Churchill
Chapter 17: Fictional Empathy, Imagination, and Knowledge of Value, Íngrid Vendrell Ferran
Chapter 18: Affective Depth and Value: On Theodor Lipps’s Theory of Aesthetic Empathy, Jannik M. Hansen and Tone Roald
Chapter 19: Music and Empathic Spaces in Therapy and Improvisation, Jannik Mosekjær Hansen, Simon Høffding and Joel Krueger
Chapter 20: To Step into the Life of Others: Professional Action, Empathy and an Ethics of Engagementt, Eva Schwarz
Chapter 21: An Empathy-Based Phenomenological Ethic for Gaming, Michael Agostinelli
Chapter 22: Empathy, Alterity, Morality, Dan Zahavi
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