List of Figures
Preface: Art and Suffering – Mark Celinscak and Curtis Hutt
I. Approaches to Art and Suffering
1. Human Rights and Art - Hurst Hannum
2. Art History and Human Suffering: Pasts, Pedagogies, and Possibilities – Adrian Duran
3. Creative Interventions: Art against Trauma - Jen Webb, Jordan Williams, and Anthony Eaton
4. A Life’s Work: John Dewey on Art and Education for Democracy – Curtis Hutt
II. Art and Suffering
5. Suffering and its Defeat in Renaissance Art: Reading Titian and El Greco through Kierkegaard and Maimonides - Nehama Verbin
6. Representing the Unseen: The Primacy of Visual Testimony in Official British War Art – Paul Gough
7. Beyond Redemption: Käthe Kollwitz and the Tragedy of War - Jay Winter
8. The Anguish of Liberation: War Artists and the Holocaust – Mark Celinscak
9. The Bloody Divide 1947: Facing Trauma through Art - Mehnaz M. Afridi
10. The Art of the Arpilleras - Marjorie Agosín
11. Art and the (Ir)resolution of Suffering - David Tollerton
12. Just Is After Human Rights: Beauty, Barbarity, and the Artwork of Samuel Bak - Gary Phillips
13. Reflecting on the Current State of International Criminal Justice through Art - Richard Goldstone
III. Creative Reflections
14. A Theatre of Play and Death: Staging the “Mad Jester” of the Warsaw Ghetto - Henry Greenspan
15. Comfort Women and the Human Rights Documentary - Julia Alekseyeva
16. vignettes from the fire – Michele Desmarais
IV. About the Contributors