Section 1: The Big Picture
1. Introduction to Research Syntheses and the PIECCESS Framework
2. World of Reviews
Section 2: Plan
3. Reference Interviews
4. Question Frameworks
5. Related Reviews in Context
6. Project and Data Management
Section 3: Identify
7. Database Searching
8. Grey Literature Searching
9. Search Efficiency and Effectiveness
10. Case Studies
Section 4: Evaluate
11. Evaluating for Inclusion
12. Evaluating for Risk of Bias
Section 5: Collect, Combine, and Explain
13. Collecting and Combining Study Characteristics
14. Explaining through Data Visualization
Section 6: Summarize and Share
15. Proposals and Protocols
16. Preliminary Reports and Papers
17. Promotion and Preservation
Section 7: The Art of Puzzle Solving
18. Establishing and Managing Review Services
19. Professional Development
20. Collaborations on Reviews
21. Teaching Review Process
22. Research and Service Opportunities
About the Editors
About the Contributors