Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 234
Trim: 6⅛ x 9
978-1-5381-4486-2 • Hardback • July 2022 • $101.00 • (£78.00)
978-1-5381-4487-9 • Paperback • July 2022 • $51.00 • (£39.00)
978-1-5381-4488-6 • eBook • July 2022 • $48.50 • (£37.00)
John H. Kranzler is Irving and Rose Fien Endowed Professor of Education and director of the APA-accredited School Psychology Program in the School of Special Education, School Psychology, and Early Childhood Studies at the University of Florida. Dr. Kranzler’s major area of scholarly interest concerns the nature, development, and assessment of human cognitive abilities. He has received a number of awards for his teaching and research, including the University of Florida Teaching Incentive Program award for undergraduate teaching, the Mensa Education and Research Foundation Award for Excellence in Research, and Article of the Year awards from School Psychology Review and School Psychology Quarterly. In 1997 and 2017, Dr. Kranzler received the University of Florida Research Foundation Professorship award for distinguished scholarship and was recently named a University of Florida Term Professor in 2019. He is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association and an elected member of the Society for the study of School Psychology. Dr. Kranzler, has served as Associate Editor of School Psychology Quarterly and the International Journal of School and Educational Psychology and currently serves on the editorial board of the Journal of School Psychology.
Christopher J. Anthony is the B.O. Smith Endowed Assistant Professor of Education in the APA-accredited School Psychology Program in the School of Special Education, School Psychology, and Early Childhood Studies at the University of Florida. Dr. Anthony’s research focuses on developing and improving assessment of children’s social, emotional, and academic competence and he teaches course on psychoeducational assessment, children’s social development, and research design. He has received several awards for his teaching and research including being named an early career scholar by the Society for the Study of School Psychology and being awarded the Diane E. Haines Teaching Excellence Award from the University of Florida College Of Education. He currently serves on the editorial board of the Journal of School Psychology and School Psychology Review.
SECTION I: Essentials for Statistics
Chapter 1. Effective Strategies for Studying Statistics
Chapter 2. Overcoming Math Anxiety
Chapter 3. Basic Math Concepts
SECTION II: Describing Univariate Data
Chapter 4. Frequency Distributions
Chapter 5. Descriptive Statistics
Chapter 6. The Normal Curve
Chapter 7. Percentiles and Standard Scores
SECTION III: Correlation Coefficients and Linear Regression
Chapter 8. Correlation Coefficients
Chapter 9. Linear Regression
SECTION IV: Inferential Statistics
Chapter 10. Introduction to Inferential Statistics
Chapter 11. The t Test
Chapter 12. Analysis of Variance
SECTION V: Additional Topics: Nonparametric Statistics and Using Statistical Software Programs
Chapter 13. Nonparametric Statistics: Chi-Square
Chapter 14. How to Use SPSS
Chapter 15. Postscript
A. Proportions of Area under the Normal Curve
B. Critical Values of t
C. Critical Values of F
D. Critical Values of Chi-Squared
E. Glossary of Formulas
Kranzler and Anthony provide faculty with a concise, nonthreatening text specifically for students who have spent their lives fearing math classes. The book helps faculty walk students through statistics and helps students realize that they can succeed at math.
— Christine Tartaro, Stockton University
Brief but erudite; fun but mathematically muscular, too; this ideal, affordable textbook will be appropriate for any introductory undergraduate statistics course or related social science class. I have taught many versions of this text, but the seventh edition is the best yet, due in part to its inclusion of more-contemporary concepts such as effect sizes.
— Edward Rossini, Roosevelt University
As indicated by the title, Statistics for the Terrified has a target audience. The book features specialized content for this audience, such as insights on how to overcome math anxiety. However, both terrified and unnerved readers alike will appreciate the clear and relaxed style with which the authors present information. This book covers a range of foundational topics, from basic math concepts to statistical inference. In the postscript, the authors highlight the practical value of this content and encourage those who are interested to build upon this foundational knowledge. Now in its seventh edition, the book clearly resonates with readers and serves as a valuable resource for those interested in developing statistical expertise.
— Nicholas Benson, Baylor University
Statistics for the Terrified is an excellent resource for introducing elementary statistical concepts to students and faculty who are looking for a non-technical explanation of technical topics. Readers will be “taken by the hand” and led through strategies for overcoming their anxieties about math before learning about key concepts in descriptive and inferential statistics. Statistics for the Terrified is a welcome companion to any college statistics and research methods course.
— Kara Styck, Northern Illinois University
Special Features
- Self-help strategies provided to help readers manage their math anxiety.
- Essential material for learning statistics presented before jumping into statistics.
- Written in a personal and informal manner with a great deal of humor.
- Step-by-step assistance with numerous concrete examples.
- Quizzes and tests, with comprehensive answer keys.
- Formulas
- Humorous cartoons end each chapter, many new in the 7th edition
- Easy-to-read style
- Figures and tables throughout