A useful guide for recovering after a betrayal. Silber begins by recounting her own experience with betrayal, notably when she learned her husband had been cheating on her for years . . . She also makes accessible the tools she describes by presenting the stories of 14 women who survived different varieties of betrayal and recovered their happiness. She identifies five stages of betrayal—the initial shock, breakdown of one’s routine, relying on survival instincts, adjusting to a new normal, and rebirth—and lists self-care strategies (breathing and movement exercises, improving one’s nutrition and sleep habits) and prompts for examining one’s beliefs so as to create a more positive mindset . . . this insightful work will help readers looking for strategies to rebuild trust.
— Publishers Weekly
Debi offers a clear and effective approach to moving forward after an experience with betrayal. Combining her research-based findings with her compassionate and inspiring style, Trust Again is a must-read for anyone ready to heal.— Marci Shimoff, #1 NY Times bestselling author of "Happy for No Reason," and featured teacher in "The Secret"
If you want to heal from heartbreaking betrayal, Trust Again provides a step by step healing protocol that will return you to a state of happiness, wholeness and the ability to love again by discovering how to gently, carefully and fully learn to trust again.— Arielle Ford, author of "The Soulmate Secret: Manifest the Love of Your Life with the Law of Attraction"
The betrayal of someone we trusted can be devastating. As the Chairperson of Dr. Debi Silber’s PhD research study, I read her research, explored her data, and saw firsthand how profound this information is. A specific protocol to move through betrayal is unchartered territory and Silber has given us a step-by-step approach in order to use the painful experience of betrayal as a launchpad for transformation.— Marilyn Schlitz, PhD Chair, Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, Sofia University
"Betrayal is intensely painful but this book reveals the pain remedy you need to heal, regroup, and move forward with strength and love. A remarkable book."
— Dr. Joe Vitale, international best-selling author of Zero Limits and The Miracle
After an experience with betrayal, it can be especially challenging to get unstuck and have the motivation we need to rebuild our hearts and our lives. Debi's research-based protocol, combined with her own story and those she's helped, teaches us how to trust again.
— Mary Morrissey, international speaker and best-selling author
“While we may choose to be more guarded and protective in response to broken trust, it disconnects us from our source, ourselves and others. Debi shows us how to trust again so we can reconnect and become who we’re fully meant to be.”
— Dr. Sue Morter, author of The Energy Codes
Experiencing the devastation of betrayal can be one of the most heartbreaking experiences in a lifetime. Recovering from this devastation can, however, bring exceptional growth and joy. Debi Silber does a powerful and beautiful job of taking her readers through a highly supported, compassionate and effective recovery journey.
— Melanie Tonia Evans, author, "You Can Thrive After Narcissistic Abuse;" founder, Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program (NARP)
Betrayal is an insidious little secret that can destroy someone's life and self-esteem in a matter of seconds. But in Dr. Debi Silber's brilliant new book, "Trust Again," you will learn that this deeply painful experience can not just be overcome, but actually transformed! If you've suffered for years in silence and have given up relationships for good, this book will be the catalyst for powerful change. "Trust Again" is filled with everything you need to be re-empowered, so you can rebuild a new, loving, joy-filled life. Bravo, Debi!
— Lisa Winston, best-selling author of "Your Turning Point," TV show host