Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 272
Trim: 6 x 9
978-1-5381-3688-1 • Paperback • April 2020 • $36.00 • (£30.00)
978-1-5381-3689-8 • eBook • April 2020 • $34.00 • (£25.00)
Writer and musician, Jim Reilly, studied both jazz guitar and journalism in college and has spent the past 20 years or so combining those two loves. “I see music and writing as different expressions of the same creative impulse,” he says. “Music lives in the moment – writing captures that moment and gives it form and shape.” Currently living in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, as a musician, Jim is equally at home on guitar, bass, or Chapman Stick. As a writer, he has done promotional work for other artists and music companies, written for CBC Radio One, and had features published many music magazines.
This is his third book, joining The Bass Player and StickMan: The Story of Emmett Chapman and the Instrument He Created as explorations of how the creative impulse manifests itself through unconventional heroes. For more information, please see
Foreword: Tony Levin
Chapter One - Sometimes a Wanderer Finds His Way
Chapter Two – All Roads Lead to New York
Chapter Three - An Unexpected Masterpiece
Chapter Four - Try and Try and Try Again
Chapter Five - Let’s Do This
Chapter Six -The Little Black Bass that Could
Chapter Seven - I’m on my way, I’m making it…
Chapter Eight - The Years In-Between
Chapter Nine - Here We Go Again
Chapter Ten - Capturing the String
Chapter Eleven - Redefining Classic
Chapter Twelve - The Heart of the Work
Chapter Thirteen - Full Circle
Afterword: Steve Miller on Ned Steinberger
A Note from the Author (with thanks)
Steinberger's: A Story of Creativity and Design is an engaging account of a fascinating story: one with twists and turns and struggles with adversity. Jim Reilly's book brilliantly tells a story of where music, industrial design and musical instrument sales intersect.
— Sound On Sound
Wow, Jim Reilly does an amazing job of uncovering what makes Ned, Ned. This book is a must-read for anyone who has ever wondered what makes a true genius tick.— Jim D'Addario, chief executive officer, D’Addario & Company Inc.
This a brilliant study of one of the major creators of musical instruments in the 21st century. It will inspire anyone who has ever dreamed of building musical instruments.— Steve Miller, The Steve Miller Band
Hats off to Jim Reilly for his excellent biography of Ned Steinberger. This book provides a well-researched look behind the curtain at the work of a true wizard. Well done!— Jim Roberts, founding editor, Bass Player magazine, author, American Basses: An Illustrated History & Player's Guide
This is an incredible story about a super innovative and massively influential musical instrument designer with a single-minded drive to create. I’ve known Ned for over forty years, but Jim's book illuminated for me what makes him who he really is.— Andy West, bassist and founding member of the Dixie Dregs
Countless hours of research and exclusive interviews with Ned, his family, friends, co-workers, and some of the most significant artists and music industry professionals who are connected to Ned’s story, including: Laurie Anderson, Jeff Babicz, Dick Boak, Emmett Chapman, Jim D’Addario, Buck Dharma, Vinny Fodera, David Gage, Hap Kuffner, Bakithi Kumalo, Tony Levin, Steve Miller, Stuart Spector, Jamaaladeen Tacuma, Rob Turner, Rob Wasserman, and Andy West.6/28/20: No Treble discusses book in news feature, “New Book on Ned Steinberger Now Available.”
4/20/20: Ned Steinberger and Jim Reilly discussed the book with For Bass Players Only.
6/28/20: Ned Steinberger and Jim Reilly interviewed on SteinbergerWorld Youtube channel.
12/31/20: CBC News interviewed author on book subject, “Calgary musician writes biography of one of the most influential musical instrument designers alive.”
2/2021: Author’s book was reviewed and the writer discusses Steinberger’s instrument designs.