Introduction: Michael A. Crumpton and Nora J. Bird
Part I: Academic Environment and Library Organizations
1.Diary of a Change: Human Resources Redesign in VCU Libraries
Agnes K. Bradshaw
2.Talent Management
Michael A. Crumpton
3.Promotion and Tenure issues
Steve Cramer and Kate Hill
Part II: Education of the Professional Librarian
4.Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Academic Libraries
Gerald Holmes and Denelle Eads
5.How LIS Education Responds to New Roles
Nora J. Bird
6.Essential Skills for Working with Donors, Boards and Campus Colleagues
Karlene Noel Jennings
Part III: Professional Development
7.Employee Engagement
Laura Blessing
8.Offering a Career Development Program for Library Employees
Jennifer Keach and Chandra Lane
9.Mentoring and Coaching
Michael A. Crumpton
Part IV: Leadership in Practice
10.Human Resource Department Leadership for Showing Library Value
Patricia Sobczak
11.Change Management and Leadership
Kathleen Schmand and Cynthia Childrey
12.A Method to Develop a Community of Practice for Mid-level Managers
Melissa Jerome, Jason Heckathorn, Christy Shorey, Ashley Vaught, Bonnie J. Smith, and Valrie Minson
Part V. Other Trends in the Profession
13.Technical Services Work and the MLIS
Rachel Arkoosh and Christine Fischer
14.Surfacing, Aligning, and Sustaining Values to Strengthen Organizational Culture
Maisha Carey and Julie Brewer
15.Rankism and Marginalization in Academic Libraries
Suzanne Sawyer, Juanita Thacker, and Karlene Noel Jennings
16.Fostering the Evolution of Library Roles through Reframing
Juanita Thacker, Suzanne Sawyer, and Karlene Noel Jennings
About the Editors and Contributors