PART ONE Introduction
1. Information Resource Management: Description, Access, Organization
2. Foundations, Principles, Conceptual Models, and Standards of Resource Description
PART TWO Record Production and Structure, Encoding Formats, and Metadata Records
Standards and Tools
3. Records and Encoding Schemas
4. Metadata Schemas
PART THREE Resource Description and Access: Foundations and Standards
5. Foundations of Resource Description
6. Resource Description and Access (RDA)- Original: Basics; Identifying Manifestations, Items, Works, and Expressions
7. Resource Description and Access (RDA) - Original: Agents, Nomen, Place, Timespan; Recording Relationships
8. Resource Description and Access (RDA) - Official: Basics; Describing RDA entities Work, Expression, Manifestation, and Item
9. Resource Description and Access (RDA) – Official: Describing RDA Entities Nomen, Agents, Place, and Timespan
PART FOUR Subject Access and Controlled Vocabularies
Standards and Tools
10. Principles of Controlled Vocabularies and Subject Analysis
11. Library of Congress Subject Headings
12. Other Subject and Genre/Format Vocabularies
PART FIVE Organization of Library Resources
Standards and Tools
13. Classification and Categorization
14. Dewey Decimal Classification
15. Library of Congress Classification
16. National Library of Medicine Classification and Other Modern Classification Schemes
PART SIX Encoding & Records of Bibliographic and Authority Data
17. MARC 21 Encoding for Original RDA Data
PART SEVEN Cataloging Ethics
19. Ethics and Critical Cataloging
Appendix A: Entities and RDA Elements
Appendix B: Sample MARC Records
Appendix C: One Work with Multiple Expressions and Manifestations
About the Authors