2/13/21, USA Today: John Pitney and book are featured in article by David Jackson, "Trump impeachment trial reopens GOP battle lines."
Link: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2021/02/13/trump-impeachment-trial-reignites-gop-battle-even-he-acquitted/6738664002/
5/25/20, Keen on Democracy podcast: "John J. Pitney, Jr.: How Hard Is It to Be a Conservative Right Now?"
Link: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/john-j-pitney-jr-how-hard-is-it-to-be-a-conservative-right-now/id1448694012?i=1000475452785
6/2/20, Jonah Goldberg's The Remnant Podcast: "I Don’t Have Courage, I Have Tenure."
Link: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/i-dont-have-courage-i-have-tenure/id1291144720?i=1000476625423
4/24/20, The Bulwark opinion piece: "Donald Trump, Un-American: Again and again, the president has rejected America's founding principles."
4/28/20 USA Today opinion piece: "Trump's science denial is un-American. Just ask Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson. Link: https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2020/04/28/coronavirus-trump-flouts-science-core-american-value-column/3033941001/
6/1/20 USA Today opinion piece: "Conservative: I'd take Obama over Trump in an instant, especially after the day we just had"
5/11, The Bulwark opinion piece: "Trump, Reagan, and “Mourning in America”"
6/1/20 USA Today opinion piece"Conservative: I'd take Obama over Trump in an instant, especially after the day we just had" Link: https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2020/06/01/trump-attacks-governors-pals-around-with-putin-column/5311227002/
5/6/20 In MinnPost, an opinion piece and preface of the book profiles ‘Un-American,’ a scholar powerfully describes ‘the fake patriotism of Donald J. Trump’ Link: https://www.minnpost.com/eric-black-ink/2020/05/in-un-american-a-scholar-powerfully-describes-the-fake-patriotism-of-donald-j-trump/
6/4/20, NBC News “Trump lacks the consent of the governed” Link:
5/13/20, The Great Battlefield podcast, hosted by Nathaniel G. Pearlman. Link: http://www.resistancedashboard.com/node/717