Section 1: Overview of the Book: Model and Definitions
Chapter 1: A Socio-Ecological Model for Public Relations and Strategic Communication
Chapter 2: The Backstory: Conceptualization and History of Public Relations and Feminism
Section 2: Ideological Level: Social Norms, Hegemony, and Media
Chapter 3: Ideological Level: The Overarching Power of Hegemony and Social Norms
Chapter 4: Media Level: Symbiotic yet Contested Terrain
Section 3: Organizational Level: Issues and Theories
Chapter 5: Organizational Level: Their Role in Maintaining the Status Quo
Chapter 6: Organizational Level: Facilitating Inequity and Marginalization
Section 4: Professional Level: Discursive Legitimacy and Professional Associations
Chapter 7: The Professional Level: Questions of Legitimacy and Value
Chapter 8: Professional Level: Interrogating Difference in Professional Associations
Section 5: Practitioner Level: Lived Experience and Identity
Chapter 9: The Practitioner Level: The Lived Experiences of Same and Difference
Chapter 10: Practitioner Level: Theory-Driven Approaches to Understanding Identity
Section 6: Dialogue and Future Directions
Chapter 11: Dialogue with Scholars and Practitioners: Co-constructing Meaning of the Model
Chapter 12: Putting the Socio-Ecological Model to Use