Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 414
Trim: 7⅜ x 10
978-1-5381-2714-8 • Hardback • August 2020 • $129.00 • (£99.00)
978-1-5381-2715-5 • Paperback • August 2020 • $54.00 • (£42.00)
978-1-5381-2716-2 • eBook • August 2020 • $51.00 • (£39.00)
John H. Kranzler is professor and director of the School Psychology Program at the University of Florida. His major area of scholarly interest concerns the assessment of intelligence. He has received a number of awards for his teaching and research, including Article of the Year awards from School Psychology Review and School Psychology Quarterly. Dr. Kranzler has twice received the University of Florida Research Foundation Professorship award for distinguished scholarship and was named a University of Florida Term Professor in 2019.
Randy G. Floyd is professor and chair in the Department of Psychology at The University of Memphis. His research focuses on understanding the measurement properties of psychological assessment techniques, including intelligence tests. Dr. Floyd has authored or coauthored more than 100 professional publications. He is the former editor of the Journal of School Psychology and he serves on numerous journal editorial boards.
1 What Is Intelligence?
2 How and Why Do People Differ in Intelligence?
3 Ethics in Assessment
4 Basic Psychometric Principles That Inform Score Interpretation
5 The Assessment Process with Children and Adolescents, with Ryan L. Farmer and Richard J. McNulty
6 Evaluation and Use of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Fifth Edition, with Emily K. Lewis and Richard J. McNulty
7 A Review of Intelligence Tests, with Emily K. Lewis and Ryan L. Farmer
8 Interpreting Intelligence Test Scores
9 Evidence-Based
Practice and Cognitive Interventions
10 Sharing the Results from Intelligence Tests
11 Assessment of Intellectual Disability
12 Assessment of Intellectual Giftedness
13 Assessment of Specific Learning Disabilities
14 Assessment of Children and Adolescents from Diverse Cultural and Linguistic Backgrounds
About the Authors
Nuanced yet accessible, this volume provides a comprehensive overview of numerous topics pertaining to the clinical assessment of intelligence of school-aged youth. Each chapter contains the latest research findings from the field and, throughout the text, there is a rigorous commitment to advancing empirically supported practice in general and evidence-based assessment in particular. In that way, this volume distinguishes itself from other available resources. Put simply, this is the book I have been waiting for!
— Ryan J. McGill, William & Mary
Comprehensive coverage of the assessment process, from selecting tests to their administration, interpretation, and use.
Emphasis on the most widely used intelligence test with children and youth, the Wechsler Intelligence Test for Children, Fifth Edition.
Critical review of the literature with recommendations for best practices in the interpretation of intelligence tests.
Critical review of the literature with recommendations for best practices for designing interventions based on intelligence tests
Critical reviews of the literature with recommendations for the use of intelligence tests for the identification of different disabilities (intellectual disability and specific learning disability) and giftedness in the schools.
Critical review of the literature with recommendations for best practices when assessing children and youth from diverse backgrounds