Part I: Career Development Interventions for Social Justice Needs in Educational Contexts with Underserved Children (Elementary School Ages)
1 Antibias Career Development for Evolving Identities in Elementary School Children
Victoria Broems and Margo A. Jackson
Part II: Career Development Interventions for Social Justice Needs in Educational Contexts with Underserved Young Adolescents (Middle School Ages)
2 Identifying Strength-Based Transferable Skills from Personal Accomplishment Narratives to Expand Educational/Career Pathways with Marginalized Youth 25
Margo A. Jackson, Gary L. Dillon Jr., Kourtney Bennett, and Allyson K. Regis
Part III: Career Development Interventions for Social Justice Needs in Educational Contexts with Underserved Adolescents (High School Ages)
3 Crossing Sociopolitical Barriers: Promoting Critical Consciousness and Career Development among High School Students
Kourtney Bennett
4 A Program to Promote Career Development and Counseling Services in High Schools with LGBT Students
Jill Huang
5 The Step-Up Career Development Program with Unaccompanied Latinx Refugee Youth in Resettlement High Schools
Elizabeth A. Quiñones
Part IV: Career Development Interventions for Social Justice Needs in Educational Contexts with Underserved College Students
6 Gen1 Quick-Start: Academic Major and Career Decision-Making Workshop for Latina First-Generation Freshmen
Ariel Sorensen
Part V: Career Development Interventions for Social Justice Needs in Educational Contexts in Diversity Training with Colleges and Universities
7 Coming to Understand and More Constructively Respond to Racial Microaggressions
Margo A. Jackson
Part VI: Career Development Interventions for Social Justice Needs in Community and Employment Contexts with Underserved Adolescents
8 Girls in Action: Career Development with Juvenile Justice–Involved Adolescent Girls
Lauren Ann Sonnabend
Part VII: Career Development Interventions for Social Justice Needs in Community and Employment Contexts with Underserved Adults
9 Addressing Employment Uncertainty of Rural Working Adults: A Telemental Health Community Workshop
Shannon M. O’Neill
10 Life-Design Group Course for Laid-Off Workers
Kathleen Hahn
11 Empowering Battered Women with BRAVER
Adia Tucker
12 Career Progression Workshop for the Internationally Educated
Fanny Kuang
13 Gradually Reintegrating Ex-Offenders into the Workforce
Allyson K. Regis and Gary L. Dillon Jr.
14 Developing Managers’ Skills for Countering Racial Color Blindness and Constructively Addressing Racial Microaggressions in the Workplace
Christine S. Romano
Part VIII: Career Development Interventions for Social Justice
Needs in Community and Employment Contexts with Underserved Older Adults
15 Booming through Retirement: Optimizing Psychosocial Resources for Retirement Success in Baby Boomers
Ashley E. Selkirk
Appendix A: Career Counseling Competencies
Appendix B: Advocacy Competencies
About the Editors and Contributors