Part 1: Identifying the problem
Introduction - Digital Equity in Libraries
Lauren Comito
Chapter 1: Fund All the Things: Finding Money to Do Great Work
Erica Freudenberger
Part 2: Physical Access
Chapter 2: Technology on the Border: Bringing STEAM-Based Learning and Digital Technologies to Southern Arizona
Emily Scherer
Chapter 3: Linux Laptops for Libraries
Alex Lent
Chapter 4: Shifting Focus Toward Imminent Needs: The Importance of Flexibility in Digital Literacy Training to Teens Within the Maker Movement
Ricci Yuhico
Part 3: Training
Chapter 5: Cracking the Code: The IMLS/Mozilla Web Literacy for Library Staff Project
Davis Erin Anderson
Chapter 6: You Can Do I.T.: Raising Tech Confidence and Competencies in Rural Texas
Carson Block, Cindy Fisher, and Henry Stokes
Chapter 7: Experiment, Learn, Respond at the Salt Lake City Public Library: The First Year of the Tech League Initiative
Tommy Hamby, Shauna Edson, and Elaine Stehel
Part 4: Makerspaces
Chapter 8: The Best Things Made in a Makerspace, Aren’t the Physical Ones
Steve Teeri
Chapter 9: Library Makerspaces and Interest-Based Learning as Tools for Digital Equity
Lyndsey Runyan
Chapter 10: Improving Education with Library STEM Programs and Access to New Technologies
Maria Mucino
Part 5: Technology for Employment and Business
Chapter 11: Evolution of Community Services in Saint Paul
Rebecca Ryan and Pang Yang
Chapter 12: Creative Opportunity for All: Makerspaces for Youth and Adult Workforce Populations in an Urban Setting
Amanda Feist, Katrina Hartz Taylor, and Xenia Hernández
Chapter 13: Learning from Our Community – Using an Assessment Tool to Meet Patrons at the Point of Need
Amy Honisett, Gloria Jacobs, Judy Anderson, Jill Castek, Cindy Gibbon, and Matthew Timberlake
About the Editor and Contributors