Chapter 1: Isabel, Christie Huddleston
Chapter 2: Discussion of Isabel’s Analysis, Edward I. Kohn
Chapter 3: Ella, Adele Kaufman
Chapter 4: Discussion of Ella’s Analysis, Edward I. Kohn
Chapter 5: Psychic Structure and Models of the Mind, Edward I. Kohn
Chapter 6: Trauma and Fragile Psychic Structure, Edward I. Kohn
Chapter 7: The Developmental Object, Edward I. Kohn
Chapter 8: Fragmentation to Cohesive Self, Edward I. Kohn
Chapter 9: Therapeutic Action, Edward I. Kohn
Chapter 10: The Play Space, Edward I. Kohn
Chapter 11: Relationship, Action, and Words, Edward I. Kohn
Chapter 12: The Oedipal Phase and its Earlier Determinants, Edward I. Kohn
Chapter 13: Termination, Edward I. Kohn