1 Preaching about Controversial Justice Issues: Tracing the Contours of the Purple Zone
2 Beyond “Political”: Reframing Our Understanding of Politics and Preaching
3 Homiletical Foundations for Purple Zone Preaching
4 Five Paths of Prophetic Preaching in the Purple Zone
5 Preparing for the Sermon-Dialogue-Sermon Process
6 Preaching Sermon 1: Prophetic Invitation to Dialogue
7 Deliberative Dialogue in the Purple Zone
8 Preaching Sermon 2: Communal Prophetic Proclamation
9 Case Studies from the Purple Zone, Part 1: Immigration
10 Case Studies, Part 2: Four Journeys into the Purple Zone
11 Building Bridges in the Purple Zone: Where Do We Go from Here?
Appendix A: Sample Newsletter Article Announcing Deliberative Dialogue
Appendix B: Options for Planning One, Two, or Three Sessions for the Deliberative Dialogue
Appendix C: “Cheat Sheet” Questions to Encourage Deliberation
Selected Bibliography
Scripture Index