Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 524
Trim: 6½ x 9¼
978-1-5381-1979-2 • Hardback • March 2020 • $146.00 • (£112.00)
978-1-5381-1980-8 • eBook • March 2020 • $138.50 • (£107.00)
J.E. Peterson is a historian and political analyst specializing in the states and international relations of the Arabian Peninsula. He has taught at universities in the United States and France and written extensively on all seven countries of the peninsula. His latest books are The Emergence of the Gulf States: Studies in Modern History and Saudi Arabia Under Ibn Saud: Economic and Financial Foundations of the State.
Editor’s Foreword Jon Woronoff
Reader’s Note
Acronyms and Abbreviations
Appendix A: Rulers in the Al Sa‘ud Dynasty
Appendix B: The Al Sa‘ud: Relationship of Cadet Branches
Appendix C: Prominent Descendants of Imam ‘Abd Al-Rahman bin Faysal
Appendix D: Prominent Descendants of King ‘Abd Al-‘Aziz bin ‘Abd Al-Rahman
Appendix E: Al-Hashimi Sharifs of Makkah and Their Descendants
Appendix F: The Cabinet
Appendix G: The Basic Law of Saudi Arabia
Appendix H: Statistical Tables
About the Author