1. Understanding Underdevelopment
Developing World Commonalities: The Nature of Underdevelopment
The Causes of Underdevelopment
2. The Political Economy of the Developing World
The Role of the State
Trade and Industrialization Strategies
Growth with Equity
Economic Development and the Environment
The Search for Sustainable Development
Finding the Right Mix
The Effects of Globalization on the Developing World
3. The Surge and Partial Retreat of Democracy
Democracy Defined
Democratic Transition and Consolidation
Authoritarian Beginnings
The Third Wave and Its Effect on the Developing World
International Causes and Consequences of the Third Wave
Prerequisites of Democracy?
Democratic Consolidation Explained
How Do Democracies Perform? Public Policy Compared
Improving the Quality of Democracy
4. Corruption as an Obstacle to Development
Definition and Types of Corruption
The Costs of Corruption
The Causes of Corruption
Combating Corruption
5. Religion and Politics
Religion in the Developing World
Religion, Modernity, and Secularization
The Future of Religion and Politics in the Developing World
6. Politics of Cultural Pluralism and Ethnic Conflict
Defining Ethnicity
Ethnic and State Boundaries
Types of Ethnic and Cultural Divisions
Dependency, Modernization, and Ethnic Conflict
Levels of Interethnic Conflict
Outcomes and Resolutions
Ethnic Pluralism and Democracy
7. Gender and Development
The Status of Women in the Developing World
Gender and Politics
Modernization and the Status of Women
Gender and Democracy
8. The Politics of the Rural and Urban Poor
The Rural Poor: The Peasantry in the Developing World
Rural Class Structures
Peasant Politics
The Politics of Agrarian Reform
The Future of the Rural Poor
Rapid Urbanization and the Politics of the Urban Poor
The Developing World’s Urban Explosion
The Social and Political Consequence of Urban Growth
The Politics of the Urban Poor: Conflicting Images
Forms of Political Expression Among the Urban Poor
The Role of the Rural and Urban Poor in Democratic Change
9. Revolutionary Change
Defining Revolution
Underlying Causes of Revolution
Levels of Popular Support
Peasants as Revolutionaries
Revolutionary Leadership
Revolutionaries in Power
Revolutionary Change and Democracy
10. Soldiers and Politics
The Causes of Military Interventions
Progressive Soldiers and Military Conservatives
The Types and Goals of Military Regimes
The Accomplishments and Failures of Military Regimes
Military Withdrawal from Politics
The Military as a Deciding Factor in the Arab Spring
New Roles for the Armed Forces
Democracy and the Military