This book’s objective is to provide a framework for making wise and sustainable choices in library technology. Its seven chapters emphasize the “why” more than the “what” of library technology, and it is informed by Colegrove's extensive experience in the field. Clearly, he is enthused by the promise of libraries that embrace the potential of emerging technologies, and at the same time keenly aware that prudence and wisdom are even more needful in this realm than in other sectors of library strategy. This book stands out in at least two ways: it is at the same time concise and exceptionally well resourced, and it focuses on the critical thought processes for choosing and implementing technology wisely. Regrettably, bad decisions in technology are not uncommon, and the wise counsel provided here will help libraries avoid such pitfalls. An especially valuable resource for a planning committee preparing for new technology ventures. Highly recommended. Faculty and professionals
— Choice Reviews
Determining what technologies to offer a library community and choosing the best parameters for sharing them can be overwhelming and risky. Thankfully, it doesn’t have to be. Colegrove, in Selecting and Implementing Technologies in Libraries, provides library practitioners with a framework and examples to serve as a guide to practitioners navigating the precarious strait between library and technology. Any librarian or professional tasked with selecting and implementing technology would do well to heed the advice of this book.
— James Mitchell, DevOps Engineer (Library Publishing), University of Oklahoma Libraries
Selecting and Implementing Technology in Libraries: a Primer trains the reader to ask the right questions and recognize key insights. The savvy information professional will use the methods of this primer again and again, consistently selecting the right tools at the right time. Read this book and deliver real world implementation of tech forward solutions that will root deeply and stand the test of time.
— Tammy Westergard, MLS, CWDP, Nevada Governor’s Office of Economic Development, Project SANDI, Coordinator
Selecting and Implementing Technology in Libraries: a Primer gives libraries the tools to assess, select and implement technology. This primer makes advanced technologies understandable and accessible. Dr. Colegrove provides a well-rounded and up-to-date analysis of both the use and the challenges in technological innovations in libraries.
— Sara Jones, MLS, Washington State Librarian
Library staff at all levels will gain practical insights in this guide which frames library staff as true knowledge creators, change leaders, and connectors of community. For anyone who has wondered which tech your library needs, this book offers a clear path forward how, and why, to provide these services, budget for them, and implement them successfully. Learn how to harness empathy to create innovative practices. Become more visible to help communities succeed! I've been waiting a long time for a book just like this.
— Amy Vecchione, Assistant Director, eCampus Research and Innovation, Boise State University
Before you embark on your next technology implementation, whether it involves a new library management system, a self-checkout machine, or an innovative technology product, I strongly recommend reading this book. Its insights could prove pivotal in determining the success or failure of your library’s technology implementation for both your library and its users. This book will help you to create the knowledge needed to implement the right technology in your library.
— Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association