Foreword David Epstein
1: “Prehistoric” Women’s Sport
2: The Science of Intersex Conditions
3: Intersex Athletes in the 1930S
4: Postwar Sex Testing
5: Transgender 101
6: Early Transgender Athletes
7: Not the End of Sex Testing
8: Joanna’s Story
9: Transgender and Intersex Athletes, 2004–2009
10: Caster Semenya
11: Transgender and Intersex Athletes, 2009–2014
12: The Post-Semenya Landscape
13: Dutee Chand
14: Dutee Chand versus the IAAF in the CAS
15: Transgender Athletes, 2013–2017
16: The 2016 IOC Transgender Guidelines
17: Aftermath of the CAS Decision in the Chand Case
18: Transgender Athletes, 2015–2018
19: Transgender Athletic Research Update
20: The Caster Semenya Trial
Epilogue: One Last Story
Recent Developments in Gender and Sports
About the Author