Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 196
Trim: 6¼ x 9¼
978-1-5381-1112-3 • Hardback • January 2018 • $98.00 • (£75.00)
978-1-5381-1113-0 • Paperback • January 2018 • $44.00 • (£35.00)
978-1-5381-1114-7 • eBook • January 2018 • $41.50 • (£35.00)
Mel Gurtov is professor emeritus of political science at Portland State University and senior editor of Asian Perspective. A former senior Fulbright scholar, RAND Corporation analyst, and author of the Pentagon Papers,he now lives in Deadwood, Oregon, where he blogs on international politics at In the Human Interest.
Chapter 1: The Global Citizen and Engagement
Chapter 2: Engaging Adversaries
Chapter 3: Successful Engagement: US Relations with Iran and Cuba
Chapter 4: Halfway There: US-China Engagement
Chapter 5: Disengagement: Failures in US-Russia and US-North Korea Relations
Chapter 6: Trapped by History: China-Japan, Israel-Palestine
Chapter 7: Engagement: Lessons for Policy Makers and Peacemakers
Selected Bibliography
About the Author
A refreshingly original, persuasive, mind-expanding, and timely study, this book is a must-read for all students of US foreign policy and international relations as well as for policy makers and an attentive public concerned about the shaping of a nonhegemonic global order.
— Samuel S. Kim, Columbia University
While engagement has been a topic of study within conflict resolution and international
relations, Mel Gurtov offers a fresh and original approach. His critique of realism and power politics for focusing on worst-case outcomes is both commonsensical and vitally important. Engagement is what powerful countries should use as a primary mode for resolving conflicts. Thoughtful, well written, and timely, this is an outstanding piece of work.
— Stuart J. Thorson, emeritus, Maxwell School of Syracuse University
In the human interest—exactly what we need in the era of Trump and his escalating confrontation with the world.
Mel Gurtov’s peacemaking shows a clear way forward through the current fog of bigotry, jingoism, and violence.
— Peter Van Ness, Australian National University
Clearly defines the strategy and process of engaging adversariesProvides well-documented case studies of successful and unsuccessful engagement effortsContains seven extensive, up-to-date case studies of engagementChallenges the conventional wisdom on how to deal with tough adversariesConsiders some of the most controversial disputes, such as the United States and North Korea, Israel and Palestine, and the United States and RussiaCritiques the Trump administration’s downgrading of diplomacy as a tool of statecraftWritten from the standpoint of the global citizen and the human interestEmphasizes the domestic political obstacles for a leadership that seeks to engage an adversary7/6/22, LAProgressive: Mel Gurtov wrote a comparison piece between America and China when it comes to security and privacy.
10/2/22, LA Progressive: Mel Gurtov wrote about the Ukraine conflict in this piece.
10/22/22, LA Progressive: Mel Gurtov wrote about the implications of Putin starting a nuclear war.