Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 830
Trim: 6¼ x 9⅜
978-1-5381-0882-6 • Hardback • December 2017 • $219.00 • (£169.00)
978-1-5381-0883-3 • eBook • December 2017 • $208.00 • (£162.00)
Angel Smith is a reader in modern Spanish history at the University of Leeds. He has worked extensively in the areas of social and labor history, the crisis of early 20th century Spanish liberalism, and nationalisms and national identities in Spain.
Editor’s Foreword, by Jon Woronoff
Reader’s Note
List of Acronyms and Abbreviations
The Dictionary
About the Author
Like other titles in the various historical dictionary series, this one begins with a chronology (1469-April 27, 2017), a list of abbreviations and acronyms, and a general introduction that covers the land and people, the period of Spanish empire (1479-1898), the Spanish Civil War, the period of democracy building, and globalization, among many other things. As expected, the entries (approximately 700) are listed in an A to Z format; they may contain bold-face cross-references and see references. Entries vary in length from a short paragraph to many pages—the Franco Regime entry comprises nearly ten pages. For those wanting to do further reading and research, there is a nearly eighty-page bibliography divided by topic so users can jump, for example, to works on Basque nationalism. The last edition of this book was published nearly a decade ago. This updated version incorporates vital political, economic, and other changes in Spain over the last ten years and is recommended for public and academic libraries.
— American Reference Books Annual