Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 648
Trim: 6¼ x 9½
978-1-5381-0251-0 • Hardback • August 2018 • $172.00 • (£133.00)
978-1-5381-0252-7 • eBook • August 2018 • $163.00 • (£127.00)
Kamoludin Abdullaev is an independent historian from Tajikistan who studied and taught the modern history of Central Asia for more than 40 years. Since 1992, he has been a policy analyst and independent consultant in international non-governmental research organizations involved in conflict resolution, conflict prevention, peace-building, civil society building and education in Central Asia. He has taught courses on modern Central Asia from a multidisciplinary perspective at Yale University and the Ohio State University from 2001-2013. He has written, co-written, or edited eight books including Ot Sintsiana do Khorasana. Iz Istorii Sredneaziatskoi Emigratsii 20 veka (From Xingjiang to Khurasan: From the History of the 20th Century Central Asia's Emigration).
Editor's Foreword Jon WoronoffPrefaceReader's NoteAcronyms and AbbreviationsMapChronologyIntroductionTHE DICTIONARYAppendixes:- Main Macroeconomic Indicators of Tajikistan, 1995-2008
- Main Economic Indicators: Trade
- Main Services
- Main Macroeconomic Indicators of Tajikistan, 2014-2016
- Selected Macroeconomic and Social Indicators, 2014-2019
- Administrative and territorial units of Tajikistan as of 1 January 2014
- Territory, population and density in Tajikistan as of 1 January 2014
- Permanent residents in regions of Tajikistan from 1970 -2014
- National composition of Tajikistan according to state censuses 1926-2000
- Natural Reserves and National Parks
- Vakhsh River Cascade of Hydroelectric Power Plants (HEP)
- Governments of Tajikistan
BibliographyAbout the Authors
The overall structure of the third edition of this well-received dictionary remains the same. It still features an A–Z format with useful cross-references. Along with these entries comes a valuable, thorough introductory essay that gives an overview of the history of the nation. There remains a detailed chronology, particularly for the 21st century. There is also an extensive bibliography, separated into different sections, such as the arts or the economy. It is clear Abdullaev sought to update this work across all sections. The appendixes were expanded and provide more information than previous editions. Both the bibliography and the chronology have new material. There are additional entries on culture and society and on earlier periods of Tajikistan history. . . . This source is recommended, particularly for scholars and libraries that focus on the Central Asian region. Recommended.
— Choice Reviews