Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 450
Trim: 9 x 11½
978-1-5381-0083-7 • Hardback • September 2018 • $184.00 • (£142.00)
978-1-5381-0084-4 • eBook • September 2018 • $174.50 • (£135.00)
Eva Hobot Dodsworth is the geospatial data services librarian at the University of Waterloo library where she specializes in teaching GIS and map-related content to the university community. Eva's interests include historical cartographic research, teaching geoweb applications and historical GIS. Eva is also a part-time online instructor for a number of library schools, and continuing education organizations where she teaches the use of GIS technology in libraries. Eva’s list of publications are available from:
Chapter 1: What Are Cartographic Resources?
Chapter 2: Directory of Cartographic Collections
Chapter 3: Atlases
Chapter 4: Topographic, Cities and Towns Maps
Chapter 5: Railroad Maps
Chapter 6: Geological Maps
Chapter 7: Nautical Charts
Chapter 8: Fire Insurance Plans
Chapter 9: Air Photos
Chapter 10: Bird’s-Eye View Maps
Chapter 11: GIS Data Sources
Chapter 12: GIS Subject Guides
Chapter 13: Handbooks and Manuals
Chapter 14: Cartographic and GIS Dictionaries
Chapter 15: Bibliographies
Chapter 16: Gazetteers
Chapter 17: Citing Cartographic Material
Chapter 18: Professional Map and GIS Associations
Appendix A. Example of a Map Library Collection: University of Waterloo
Appendix B. Depository Library Programs
Recommended: A Research Guide to Cartographic Resources: Print and Electronic Sources was developed to help people “researching cartographic-related resources” and developing cartographic collections to learn about maps and geospatial materials. The book provides introductory information about geospatial resources in 18 chapters: atlases, maps, nautical charts, aerial photos, GIS data, handbooks and manuals, dictionaries, bibliographies, and gazetteers. It includes a directory of cartographic collections and a list of professional map and GIS. Some of the text and resource lists could be useful to librarians unfamiliar with cartographic and geospatial information. Recommended for comprehensive cartographic research collections.
— Choice Reviews
The variety of geographic information about North America can be overwhelming. Dodsworth’s herculean effort to cull together in one volume all these materials, sources, resources, and information agencies will now allow novice and proficient seekers to swiftly navigate through the sea of cartographic resources and geospatial data.
— Wade Bishop, Associate Professor, School of Information Sciences, University of Tennessee-Knoxville