Lexington Books
Pages: 178
Trim: 6½ x 9
978-1-4985-9891-0 • Hardback • December 2019 • $111.00 • (£85.00)
978-1-4985-9893-4 • Paperback • April 2023 • $39.99 • (£30.00)
978-1-4985-9892-7 • eBook • December 2019 • $38.00 • (£30.00)
Julian Kitchen is professor in the faculty at Brock University.
Karen Ragoonaden is professor of teaching in the Okanagan School of Education and the director of the Center for Mindful Engagement at the University of British Columbia.
Foreword, Karen Ragoonaden
Introduction, Julian Kitchen
A Relational Approach to Social Justice in Teacher Education, Julian Kitchen
Contemplating Mindfulness and Social Justice in Diversity Classrooms, Karen Ragoonaden
Mindfulness and Relational Knowing: An International Novice Teacher Educator’s Approach to Teaching Social Justice, Yumei Li
What Should Preservice Teachers Know about Race and Diversity? Exploring a Critical Knowledge-Base, Benedicta Egbo
Transformative Frameworks for Promoting Social Justice: Mindful and Relational Teacher Education, Awneet Sivia
Embedding Lived Indigenous Perspectives in Teacher Education: Co-constructing Mindful Pathways for Truth, Reconciliation and Social Justice, Terry-Lee Beaudry, Kevin Kaiser and Karen Ragoonaden
A Relational Approach to Collaborative Research and Practice among Teacher Educators in Urban Contexts, Jane McIntosh Cooper, Leslie M. Gauna, Christine E. Beaudry and Gayle A. Curtis
Responding to Cries of Pain through Literature: A Mindful Approach to Preparing to Teach Children of War, Barbara McNeil
Conclusion, Karen Ragoonaden
In an era of “hyper-busyness,” where there is misplaced value assigned to not being present to our own moments and the moments we share with others, there is a need to understand what it means to be mindful of simply being. In that light, professors Julian Kitchen, Karen Ragoonaden and their colleagues offer in the edited collection that comprises The Mindful and Relational Teacher Approaches to Social Justice in Teacher Education insights and understandings that allow all of us who are invested in initial teacher preparation to be and become more aware and attentive to how teacher education can be anchored in pathways that might allow us to live and learn in meaningful ways as single human family.
— Jerome Cranston, University of Regina
Mindful and Relational Teacher Approaches to Social Justice in Teacher Education makes a unique contribution to the teacher education scholarship landscape by bringing social justice, relational, and mindfulness perspectives in teacher education together in an interesting collection of chapters. The book responds to the three core concerns of any professional practice: What is the purpose of my practice? How do I relate to others in my practice? How do I understand myself in my practice?
— Thomas Falkenberg