Chapter 1: This Wasn’t How the Story was Supposed to Go: Navigating Unmet Expectations During High-Risk Pregnancies
Chapter 2: “Giving Birth in a Distant Land: Patienthood and Self-transformation of Another Kind”
Chapter 3: A Decade Navigating Food Allergies: A Mother’s Narrative
Chapter 4: Growing Up with a Chronic Illness: Easy to Conceal, Even Easier to Forget
Chapter 5: Smoking: A Lifelong Legacy
Chapter 6: Through the Glass Darkly: How We Fill a Diagnosis with Meaning
Chapter 7: Living with Interstitial Cystitis: An Autoethnographic Account of Developing and Coping with a Chronic Condition
Chapter 8: Narrating Menopause with English as a Second Language
Chapter 9: I Like to Read, Play Cribbage—Oh, and I Have Alzheimer’s: Managing Interpersonal Relationships and Early Onset Alzheimer’s
Chapter 10: Sylvia’s Story/The Story of Sylvia: Narrating the Personal and Relational in Patienthood
Chapter 11: Linked Lives: A Narrative Account of Positivity and Dialectics in Mother-Daughter Communication Near the End of Her Life
Chapter 12: A Narrative Account of Father-Daughter Conversations Near the End of His Life
Chapter 13: A Narrative Legacy of Family Caregiving