Lexington Books
Pages: 232
Trim: 6⅜ x 9
978-1-4985-9245-1 • Hardback • October 2020 • $123.00 • (£95.00)
978-1-4985-9246-8 • eBook • October 2020 • $45.00 • (£35.00)
Clare Douglass Little is associate professor of humanities and communication at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.
Chapter 1: When Makeup Gets Ugly: The Complicated Commerce of Marketing Image, Authenticity, and Social Awareness in the Online Makeup Tutorial
Clare Douglass Little
Chapter 2: The Popularity of Fenty Beauty and How It Reflects the Online Beauty Community
April Wilson
Chapter 3: Microcelebrity, Class, and Participatory Entitlement: The Cases of Jaclyn Hill and Jeffree Star
Anna Barritt
Chapter 4: Subscribe to my Empire: Jeffree Star and Self-Branding on YouTube
Alexandra Hauke and Florian Zitzelsberger
Chapter 5: The Ladies’ Dressing Rooms: Cosmetic “Trickery” from Tertullian’s Eve to Kandee Johnson’s Barbie
Elizabeth Johnston Ambrose
Chapter 6: The Pigments of Patriarchy and Femme Trans Exclusion in the History of the “All Natural” Makeup Movement
Laken Brooks
Chapter 7: “What’s the Point in Covering Them Up?”: Visible Disability and the Invitation to Stare in YouTube Makeup Tutorials
Katherine Anderson Howell
Chapter 8: Not Just for the Boys: Some Aspects of the Grotesque in Men Selling and Wearing Makeup
Michael V. Perez
Chapter 9: Hijabi Makeup?: The Muslim Female Face and the Practice of Exposure
Fatma Sagir