Chapter One: Deconstructing the Hero-Sidekick Bromance: Foggy, Kato, and the Masculine Performance of Friendship
Ryan Cheek and Anne Bialowas
Chapter Two: If She Be Worthy: Performance of Female Masculinity and Toxic Geek Masculinity in Jason Aaron’s Thor: The Goddess of Thunder
Hailey J. Austin
Chapter Three: Witches and Witchbreed in Marvel 1602
Kevin Cummings
Chapter Four: The Joker’s Dionysian Philosophy of Gender and Sexuality in The Dark Knight
Jacob Murel
Chapter Five: There are Different Ways of Being Strong: Steven Universe and Developing a Caring Superhero Masculinity
Edgar Sandoval, Julian Barr, and David J. Roberts
Chapter Six: There Must Always be a Thor: Marvel’s Thor the Goddess of Thunder and the Disruption of Heroic Masculinities
Kiera M Gaswint and Jeff Brown
Chapter Seven: Poisoning Masculinity: Poison Ivy as a Counter-Narrative of Villainy and Trauma through Representations of Queer Love in DC’s Everyone Loves Ivy
TJ Buttgereit, Emily Mendelson, and JL Schatz
Chapter Eight: The New Teen Titans for Queer Boys: Emergent Masculinities and Sentimental Superhero Melodrama in the 1980s
Brian Johnson