Lexington Books
Pages: 150
Trim: 6¼ x 9
978-1-4985-8905-5 • Hardback • October 2018 • $111.00 • (£85.00)
978-1-4985-8907-9 • Paperback • --------- • $50.99 • (£39.00)
978-1-4985-8906-2 • eBook • October 2018 • $48.00 • (£37.00)
Dr. Ardi Kia is co-director of Central and Southwest Asian Studies Program at the University of Montana.
Chapter 1: A Short History of Excavation and Research in Central Asia
Western provinces of Central Asia: Early Excavations
Chapter 2: Prehistoric Cultures & Artifacts of Central Asia
Paleolithic Era
Chapter 3: Copper Age: Pottery, Metalwork & Weaving Products
Eneolithic Period 3500 - 1700 BC
Chapter 4: The Steppe Bronze Age
Northern Cultures & Arts of Central Asia
Chapter 5 : Iron Age
Establishment of the First Empires
Chapter 6: Eastern Parts of Central Asia: Prehistoric and Ancient timesSatrapy of Bakhtaran (Bactra) and Kushan Empire
Chapter 7: Central Asian Bronze AgeUrban Civilization Boom in Southern Central Asia
Chapter 8: Satrapy of Parthia
Parthian Empire
Chapter 9: Sassannian Empire: The Birth of A State Religion
Royal Art / Religious Art
Chapter 10: Satrapy of Soghdia (Soghdiana)
Prehistoric & Ancient Culture & Art
“A lucid and readable introduction to the art of an important region of the world, this book will be very useful to students." - Ruth Vanita, University of Montana
— Ruth Vanita, University of Montana
"A sweeping survey of the material and artistic culture of the peoples of Central Asia from the paleolithic era to the medieval period, this thoroughly-researched book takes a fresh look at a rich and varied region at the nexus of east and west." –Robert H. Greene, University of Montana
— Robert H. Greene, University of Montana
As with the previous edition, this elegant and erudite book introduces students and scholars alike to Inner Eurasia as a world region of major significance today. With meticulous attention to little known archaeological and historical sources from the former Soviet Union as well as contemporary scholars from the region, the medieval Golden Age of Samarkand and other major urban centers are contextualized by much older cultural accomplishments of the prehistoric peoples of Central Asia. A richly woven past revealed through excavations and archival descriptions of material culture, this book deserves a wide readership for its synthesis of anthropology and archeology, art, history, and regional world studies.
— G.G. Weix, University of Montana
Ardi Kia makes a thorough and in-depth examination of the different stages of history in all areas of central Asia. The second edition of Central Asian Cultures, Arts, and Architecture is definitely a valuable resource for students and faculty.
— Zhen Cao, University of Montana