Lexington Books
Pages: 232
Trim: 6⅜ x 9
978-1-4985-8792-1 • Hardback • January 2020 • $111.00 • (£85.00)
978-1-4985-8793-8 • eBook • January 2020 • $45.00 • (£35.00)
Ray Crawford Jr. is chief executive for strategic planning and reporting within the Office of Federal Student Aid at the U.S. Department of Education.
Chapter 1: Background of the Study
Chapter 2: Competing Postulates on Political Leadership
Chapter 3: Ideal Type Mayoral Leadership
Chapter 4: Situational Leadership
Chapter 5: Tangential Leadership
Chapter 6: Community Support
Chapter 7: Leadership Outcomes
This methodologically and theoretically well-grounded book on former Washington, DC Mayor Anthony Williams is a welcomed addition to the very small number of scholarly works on the Nation's Capital. The effulgence of the book hinges upon how secondary and primary data sources are marshaled into a coherent unity to explicate Williams as a man and his work as a quite skilled administrator, the challenges with which he had to contend notwithstanding. The book is a must read for every undergraduate or graduate student, professor, and practitioner in the fields of American State and Local Government and Public Policy and Administration.
— Abdul Karim Bangura