Chapter 1: Kinky People’s Perceptions of the Fifty Shades of Grey Trilogy
Chapter 2: You are Mine: Consent, Ownership, and Feminist Desire in 24/7 BDSM
Chapter 3: The Good, the Bad, and the Kinky: Erotic Romance Writing in a Post Fifty
Shades of Grey Landscape
Chapter 4: Communication, Kink, and Sexual Education: What Young Women Learned from Fifty Shades of Grey
Chapter 5: Mommy Porn for the Suburban Wife: News Coverage of Fifty Shades of Grey
Chapter 6: Self-help in Kink: A Critical Look at Erotic How-To
Chapter 7: Asking for It: Depictions of Consent and what Fifty Shades of Grey Offers that Others Miss
Chapter 8: The Rhetorical Effectivities of Fifty Shades of Grey
Chapter 9: We Aim to Please: Reading into Relational Dynamics
Chapter 10: Baby Boomer Women: Fifty Shades of Change
Chapter 11: Gay, Grey, Gray, and Play: Fifty Shades Queer