Lexington Books
Pages: 268
Trim: 6¼ x 9¼
978-1-4985-8305-3 • Hardback • April 2019 • $129.00 • (£99.00)
978-1-4985-8307-7 • Paperback • September 2020 • $47.99 • (£37.00)
978-1-4985-8306-0 • eBook • April 2019 • $45.50 • (£35.00)
Kathryn Pallister teaches communications studies, sociology, and film at Red Deer College.
1.Crossing Eras: Exploring Nostalgic Reconfigurations in Media Franchises by Giulia Taurino
2.Branding Netflix with Nostalgia: Totemic Nostalgia, Adaptation and the Postmodern Turn by Matthias Stephan
3.Binge Watching the Past: Netflix’s Changing Cinematic Nostalgia from Classic Films to Long-Form Original Programs by Sheri Chinen Biesen
4.The Consumer Has Been Added to Your Video Queue by John C. Murray
5.Nostalgia as Problematic Cultural Space: The Example of the Original Netflix Series GLOW (2017) by Philippe Gauthier
6.Shifting Nostalgic Boundaries: Archetypes and Queer Representation in Stranger Things, GLOW, and One Day at a Time by Heather Freeman
7. “Heaven is a Place on Earth”: Digital Nostalgia, Queerness, and Collectivity in Black Mirror’s “San Junipero” by Keshia Mcclantoc
8. After Jim Kelly: Hybrids of Hip Hop and Kung Fu as Nostalgia by Ande Davis
9. “We can’t have two white boys trying to tell a Latina story:” Nostalgia, Identity and Cultural Specificity by Jacinta Yanders
10. Netflix’s Cable Girls as Re-invention of a Nostalgic Past by Paola Maganzani
11. “Weaponizing Nostalgia”: Netflix, Revivals and Brazilian Fans of Gilmore Girls by Mayka Castellano and Melina Meimaridis
12. Nostalgic Things: Stranger Things and the Pervasiveness of Nostalgic Television by Joseph Sirianni
13. “You Can’t Rewrite the Past:” Analog and Digital Communications Technology in 13 Reasons Why by Patricia Campbell and Kathryn Pallister
14. Carrying that Weight: Shinichiro Watanabe’s Cowboy Bebop and Nostalgia by Kwasu Tembo
Afterword: Netflix Nostalgia by Ann M. Ciasullo
Bringing together fascinating scholars examining the timely nature of Netflix and nostalgia, this collection is a must-read for anyone trying to understand this important and unique moment in our cultural history. Streamers and academics alike will find something to love about this collection as it ruminates on shows like Stranger Things and Black Mirror.
— Ryan Lizardi, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Netflix Nostalgia focuses on nostalgic programming, branding and narratives and is therefore an important contribution to the current research on nostalgia within media and communication studies. The different chapters offer a fascinating insight into how Netflix makes nostalgia "work" - not only as a feeling to be triggered by narratives but also as a corporate business strategy. The volume will therefore be a valuable source for future critical work on "nostalgia industries."
— Katharina Niemeyer, Université du Québec à Montréal (Canada), editor of Media and Nostalgia