Part I: Conceptual Frameworks
Chapter 1: Human Rights and the Grammar of Interculturality, Michal Jan Rozbicki
Chapter 2: Human Rights against Human Rights: Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Interpretative Discrepancies, and Intercultural Transpositions, Mario Ricca
Part II: Rights and Religion
Chapter 3: Transgender Rights in Pakistan?: Global, Colonial, and Islamic Perspectives, Jeffrey A. Redding
Chapter 4: The Off-Centered Hub of Secularism: Religion Inside Human Rights Projections and Quotidian Life, Melisa Vazquez
Chapter 5: Migration’ as a Metaphor for Religious Conversion: a Reinterpretation of Freedom of Conscience and Belief in Colonial India and Pakistan, Shazia Ahmad
Part III: Rights and Migration
Chapter 6: Protestant Work Ethic Revisited: The Ephemeral Nature of Commitment to Human Rights, Hisako Matsuo and Rachel Santon
Chapter 7: Politics, Religion and Debt: Translating Lives into Normative Frameworks for Asylum Seekers in Italy, Tommaso Sbriccoli
Chapter 8: The Role of Human Rights Frameworks in Refugee Host State Integration, Rachel Santon
Part IV: Rights and Cultural Difference
Chapter 9: Defending Liberty from Tyranny in Dostoevsky's Siberia: The Impact of Captivity on an Intercultural Consensus Regarding Human Rights, Elizabeth Blake
Chapter 10: The ASEAN Human Rights Declaration as a Case of Human Rights Translation, Marcella Ferri
Chapter 11: The Color Curtain: Richard Wright on Race, Rights and Western Values, Anders Walker