Introduction: Resilience as a Philosophical Concept
Kelly A. Parker
Part I. Pragmatist Conceptions of Resilience
1. Resilience as Wisdom: A Metaphysical Groundwork
Paul Benjamin Cherlin
2. Integrating Facts and Values in Explanations of Social-Ecological Resilience
Zachary Piso
3. Catastrophe and the Beloved Community: Resources for Resilience in Josiah Royce and Martin Luther King, Jr.
Kelly A. Parker and Daniel J. Brunson
4. Frugality and Resilience: A Pragmatist Meditation
William M. Throop
5. Resilience Thinking and the Moral Imagination
Raymond J. Davidson Jr.
6. ‘What Anything Is for’: Resilience-as-Pragmatism in Aldo Leopold’s ‘Living Democracy’ and Vandana Shiva’s ‘Earth Democracy’
John Hausdoerffer
Part II. Developing Capacities for Resilience
7. Toward a Resilient Localism
Jessica Hejny
8. Humanities as a Source of Resilience in Jane Addams’s Community Activism
Judy D. Whipps
9. Pedagogies for Resilience: Intergroup Dialogue, Design Thinking, and the Integral Approach
Danielle Lake
10. Habits of Resilience: Positive Psychology and the Philosophy of William James
Heather E. Keith and Kenneth D. Keith
Part III. Practical Applications and Case Studies
11. Resilience as a Systems Concept, with an Application to the American West
Paul B. Thompson and Jared L. Talley
12. Justice and Agrarianism in Resilient Food Systems
Tatiana Abatemarco
13. Crafting Rural Resilience
Joanna Wozniak-Brown