Lexington Books
Pages: 248
Trim: 6½ x 9¼
978-1-4985-7398-6 • Hardback • August 2018 • $123.00 • (£95.00)
978-1-4985-7400-6 • Paperback • July 2020 • $47.99 • (£37.00)
978-1-4985-7399-3 • eBook • July 2020 • $45.50 • (£35.00)
Anthony Gierzynski is professor and chair of the Political Science Department at the University of Vermont.
Chapter 1: The Potentially Influential Political Content of Entertainment Media
Chapter 2: The How and When of Entertainment Media Effects
Chapter 3: Game of Thrones and the Belief in a Just World
Chapter 4: House of Cards Effects
Chapter 5: Sci Fi
Chapter 6: Villains of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Superhero Genres
Chapter 7: News Parody Shows, Cynicism and Skepticism
Chapter 8: Fictional Leaders and Support for Female Candidates
Appendix 1: Questions for Study 1
Appendix 2: Unique Questions Used in Study 2 (GoT Group)
Appendix 3: Questions Used in Study 3 (The Hobbit Group Version)
Appendix 4: Questions used in House of Cards Study 3
Appendix 5: Questions Used in Science Fiction Experiment and Survey
Appendix 6: Villain Survey
Appendix 7: TDS and TCR Studies
Appendix 8: Questionnaire for Leadership and Gender Experiment
So helpful to have an understandable summary of what we currently know about how someone’s political opinions are galvanized when they get swept up by a story. I am sure it will prove very useful for storytellers, their audience, and narratologists in the years to come.
— Tom van Laer, University of London
Once again, Gierzynski shows us what it means for social scientists to take pop culture seriously. A must read for students, educators, and fans.
— Charli Carpenter, University of Massachusetts Amherst