Lexington Books
Pages: 186
Trim: 6½ x 9
978-1-4985-7380-1 • Hardback • February 2019 • $111.00 • (£85.00)
978-1-4985-7382-5 • Paperback • April 2023 • $39.99 • (£30.00)
978-1-4985-7381-8 • eBook • February 2019 • $38.00 • (£30.00)
Theodorea Regina Berry is professor and chair of the Department of African American studies at San Jose State University.
Crystal Kalinec Craig is assistant professor of mathematics education in the Department of Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching at the University of Texas at San Antonio.
Maríela A. Rodriguez is professor in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies and associate dean of teaching, learning, and professional development for the graduate school at the University of Texas at San Antonio.
Section One: Latinx Curriculum and Content/Subject Matter
Chapter 1: Insurrection and the Decolonial Imaginary at Academia Cuauhtli: The Liberating Potential of Third Space Pedagogies in a Third Space, Angela Valenzuela
Chapter 2: “To Serve the People”: Transformational Praxis of the Chicago Young Lords, Ann Aviles, Richard Benson, and Erica Davila
Chapter 3: Mathematics for Borderland Identities, Cristina Valencia Mazzanti and Martha Allexsaht-Snider
Section Two: Latinx Curriculum in Schools: Addressing Goals, Objectives, and Purposes
Chapter 4: Southern Latinxs: Toward a Curricular Epistemology of Dissent and Possibility, Juan F. Carrillo and Lucia I. Mock Muñoz de Luna
Chapter 5: “Illegality” and the Curriculum: Making New Civics with Undocumented Activists, Jesús A. Tirado
Chapter 6: Radical Literacy: Building Curriculum on Mexican American Youth’s Lived Experiences, Stacy Saathoff
Section Three: Latinx Currere, Latinx Curriculum as Autobiographical
Chapter 7: Conocimientos Míos: Engaging Possibilities for School Curriculum, Alba Isabel Lamar and Lynette DeAun Guzmán
Chapter 8: “Un Puño de Tierra”: Curriculum and Pedagogy Theorizing Along the U.S./Mexico Border, Ganiva Reyes
Chapter 9: Currere from the Borderlands: An Exercise in Possibilities for Latinx Transgender Visibility, Mario Itzel Suárez
About the Authors