Jain’s originality and clarity are helpful in navigating the stormy seas of global politics. Challenging IR scholars to explore the cultural and psychological dimensions of geopolitics when studying the new theaters of war, this pathbreaking book is a must-read for scholars and students of international politics.
— Journal of Global South Studies
The book abounds with empirical evidences and narration.
— Business Standard
B.M. Jain’s book sounds most promising— an important scholarly contribution. Surely, these days we need to be receptive to new paradigms. There is no doubt that the attention to geopsychological theory,as a complement of andcorrective to mainstream IR paradigms, will greatly improve our understanding of the current conflict scene…military intervention is no longer a cost-effective agent of history, given the rise of nationalist resolve and self-confidence after 1945.
— Richard A. Falk, Albert G. Milbank Professor of International Law Emeritus, Princeton University
In a complex world, we need to be wary of one-dimensional explanations, of the idea that everything reduces to economics or to self-interest or to power. In this book B.M. Jain gives us a policy compass for understanding the complex world of international relations. More than an informed observer, he is an astute commentator. We ignore his warnings at our peril.
— Andrew Irvine, University of British Columbia
This book advances our understanding of the theory geopsychology in significant ways and takes the debate on IR theory forward in an interesting dimension. Both the theoretical discussion and the empirical case studies are equally important. This book should be read not only by scholars but also by the practitioners of foreign policy in the 21st century
— Harsh V. Pant, King's College London
In this important new book, Professor Jain introduces the concept of “geopsychology” to understand contemporary international politics. With brilliant insights, clear analysis and lucid prose, this study breaks new intellectual ground and helps us understand the complex international system. A tour de force ..highly recommended.
— Shalendra D. Sharma, Lingnan University