Lexington Books
Pages: 268
Trim: 6½ x 9
978-1-4985-6775-6 • Hardback • July 2019 • $117.00 • (£90.00)
978-1-4985-6776-3 • eBook • July 2019 • $111.00 • (£85.00)
Michael B. Cover is assistant professor of Judaism and Christianity in antiquity at Marquette University.
John Thiede, S.J., is assistant professor in the Department of Theology at Marquette University and author of Remembering Oscar Romero and the Martyrs of El Salvador: A Cloud of Witnesses.
Joshua Ezra Burns is associate professor and director of graduate studies in the Department of Theology at Marquette University and author of The Christian Schism in Jewish History and Jewish Memory.
Where is Lúcás?
Irfan Omar
Part One: Cross Cultural, Systematic, and Ethical Dialogues
1. Hospitality: A Timely, Biblical Virtue from the Book of Ruth to Today
James F. Keenan, S.J.
2. The Welcome Table: The Table Fellowship of Jesus and Its Implications for Racial Justice, Bryan N. Massingale
3. An Ode to My Brother Lúcás Chan, S.J.: A Latin American Response to His Ethical Approach
John S. Thiede, S.J.
4. The Significance of Lúcás Chan Cross-Cultural Approach to Biblical Ethics to African Reading of the Bible
Joseph Ogbonnaya
5. Solidarity with the Suffering and the Identity of the Theologian
George E. Griener, S.J.
6. Ignatian Contemplation of Scripture and the Communal Schooling of Virtue
Danielle Nussberger
7. Speaking Truth in Mercy: Compassion and the Moral Meanings of the Bible
Sean Larsen
8. The Imperative Connection between Scripture and Ethics in a Catholic Context
Conor M. Kelly
Part Two: Scriptural Dialogues
9. Torah and Moral Law: a Paradigmatic Case of the Relationship between Bible and Theological Ethics
Antonio Autiero
10. Taking the Text Seriously: Learning from Daniel 3’s Appropriation of the Decalogue
Paul Cizek
11. “Blessed are the Mourners”: Lamentation and the Path to Justice
John R. Donahue, S.J.
12. “How Long O Lord”: Practices of Lamentation and the Restoration of Political Agency
Kyle Lambelet
13. Just Reading or a Just Reading: Biblical Stories of Subaltern Virtue
Gina Hens-Piazza
14. Model Hospitality: Abraham, Boaz, and the Search for Biblical Exemplars.
Michael B. Cover
15. John’s Gospel and the Ethics of Freedom and Love
Alexandre A. Martins
Strings and Wind
Michael B. Cover
About the Contributors
Despite this book’s unlikely readership outside of academia, it will serve as an important reference work for future scholars working at the intersection of Scripture and moral theology as well as comparative theological ethics. The book is also a testament to the kind of positive effect one can have on a field of study even over such a very short lifetime.
— The Living Church