Lexington Books
Pages: 130
Trim: 6¼ x 9
978-1-4985-6112-9 • Hardback • June 2019 • $104.00 • (£80.00)
978-1-4985-6113-6 • eBook • June 2019 • $98.50 • (£76.00)
Nathaniel Van Yperen is visiting assistant professor of religion at Gustavus Adolphus College.
Chapter 1: Speaking for Wilderness
Chapter 2: Wilderness: A Sensuous Wild
Chapter 3: Wildness Elicits Piety
Chapter 4: The Fierce Urgency of Now
Conclusion: Gratitude for the Wild
About the Author
Nathaniel Van Yperen offers us a beautifully conceived and eloquently written account of the spiritual importance of wilderness—its propensity to teach us about the nature of things; its potential to realign our most important loyalties and loves; and its overwhelming power to place us in proximity to the very mystery of our being. Van Yperen moves nimbly within the classical canon of environmental and wilderness ethics (e.g. Thoreau, Muir, Aldo Leopold, Rachel Carson, Annie Dillard, Wendell Berry, etc.) providing the reader a matchless introduction to a topic of vital importance to our common future. This is a work of great depth and maturity. It deserves a wide audience.
— William Stacy Johnson, Arthur M. Adams Professor of Theology, Princeton Theological Seminary
Written from a widely-read heart, this elegant book integrates Christian tradition (and its critics) with the wilderness tradition (and its critics) to make a generous, self-aware moral argument for wilderness.
— Willis Jenkins, University of Virginia