Lexington Books
Pages: 260
Trim: 6⅜ x 9
978-1-4985-5944-7 • Hardback • October 2019 • $129.00 • (£99.00)
978-1-4985-5946-1 • Paperback • October 2020 • $47.99 • (£37.00)
978-1-4985-5945-4 • eBook • October 2019 • $45.50 • (£35.00)
J. Michael Martinez is professor at Georgia Gwinnett College and the University of Georgia.
Chapter 1: James Madison
Chapter 2: Thomas Hart Benton
Chapter 3: Justin Smith Morrill
Chapter 4: The Radical Republicans—Thaddeus Stevens, Charles Sumner, and Benjamin Wade
Chapter 5: Carter Glass
Chapter 6: Robert M. La Follette, Sr.
Chapter 7: George W. Norris
Chapter 8: Robert F. Wagner
Chapter 9: Arthur H. Vandenberg
Chapter 10: Edward M. Kennedy
Congressional Lions is an important reminder that Congress is not just a parliamentary body, but a collection of individuals whose personal goals and talents can shape American society. The author provides insightful perspective into the interplay between lawmakers’ personalities and their legislative efforts. The book is a valuable resource to scholars and congressional observers alike.— Colton C. Campbell, National War College
“Although it is difficult to remember in the current confrontation between the President and the legislative branch of government, Members of Congress have been as influential, and sometimes more influential, than a particular president in shaping American public policy. Although unpopular, politically polarized and gridlocked, we need to know more about Congress and its members. To rectify this, J. Michael Martinez examines the role and political context of twelve “congressional lions” from James Madison to Ted Kennedy. The books seeks to understand how these members influenced the House of Representatives and the Senate and, by extension, the nation. Martinez adroitly addresses the differences, commonalities, and political context of these noteworthy members in his lively and insightful book.” — James A. Thurber, Distinguished Professor, American University
In an era when so much focus is placed on the executive branch, J. Michael Martinez’s timely work profiles several trailblazers and mavericks, whose work in the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate helped transform American society and politics. In revisiting the achievements of, among others, Thomas Hart Benton, the iconoclastic expansionist, Carter Glass, the Virginia segregationist who championed Progressive Era economic reforms, and Robert F. Wagner, the New Deal Democrat from New York responsible for the National Labor Relations Act, Congressional Lions provides a critical reminder of Congress’ preeminent role in America’s rise from upstart nation to global superpower.— James J. Wyatt, Director, Robert C. Byrd Center for Congressional History and Education
For those studying progressive or liberal movements in the United States, the congressional profiles included in this text offer powerful insight into the people and mechanisms used to improve the lives of average Americans across the expanse of American history. The rich detail of the biographies presents an excellent foundation for future efforts to try to develop systematic descriptions of trailblazing or otherwise disproportionally influential members of Congress.
— Congress & the Presidency