Part I: Healing the Wounds: (Re)imagining Borderlands Theory
Chapter 1: “Using Testimonios to Untame Our Silent Tongues: Exploring our Experiences of Child Sexual Abuse Through an Anzaldúan Perspective,”
Nivea Castañeda
Chapter 2: “Testimonio as a Queer Puente for Healing,”
Manuel Alejandro Pérez
“Make America Great Again,”
Robert Gutierrez-Perez
Chapter 3: “Fronteras Toxicas: Toward a Borderland Ecological Consciousness,”
Carlos Tarin
Masha Sukovic
Part II: The Coyolxauhqui Imperative: Health Communication, Disability Studies, Pain, and Healing
Chapter 4: “Facing Tlahtlacolli (Microaggressions) with Nepantla and Conocimiento: A Xicana Epistemological Approach,”
Sarah Amira de la Garza
Chapter 5: “A Letter to My Hija: Anzaldúa’s Coyolxauhqui Imperative, Your Bisabuela’s Withering Body, and the Life-Affirming Possibilities of Woundedness,”
Luis Manuel Andrade
Chapter 6: “I take something from both worlds”: An Anzaldúan Analysis of Mexican-American Women’s Conceptualizations of Ethnic Identity,”
Leandra Hinojosa Hernández
Part III: Theorizing Nepantla: Creative Ethnographies on the Path of Conocimiento
Chapter 7: “Communicating Nepantla: An Anzaldúan Theory of Identity,”
Sarah De Los Santos Upton
Chapter 8: “Between Worlds: A Personal Journey of Self-reflection While on the Path of Conocimiento,”
Edmundo M. Aguilar
Chapter 9: “Remembering Gloria Anzaldúa Globally Through A Documentary Altar: ALTAR Cruzando Fronteras, Building Bridges,”
Diana I. Bowen
Part IV: Critical/Cultural Rhetorics of Ambiguity and Hybridity
Chapter 10: “Sweetening the Pot: Culinary Adventures in Hybridity,”
Stephanie L. Gomez
“La Dueña de la Casa,”
Masha Sukovic
Chapter 11: “A Tolerance for Ambiguity or the American Dream: Using Anzaldúa to Disrupt and Reclaim Latina Lives from Multicultural Feminism,”
Sara Baugh-Harris and Bernadette Marie Calafell
Part V: Women of Color and Radical Coalition Building
“Whispers in the Dark: A Collection of Poems,”
Shantel Martinez
Chapter 12: “Black Women and Girls Trending: A New(er) Autohistoria-Teoría,”
Tara L. Conley
Chapter 13: “Rasquache Cyborgs and Borderlands Aesthetics in Alex Rivera’s Sleep Dealer,”
Alexandrina Agloro
Chapter 14: “Gloria Anzaldúa, Audre Lorde, & Topographies of Anger,”
Rachel Alicia Griffin
Part VI: Anzaldúan Approaches to Critical (Communication) Pedagogy
“I Get It from My Mother,”
Robert Gutierrez-Perez
Chapter 15: “Building Community, Decolonizing Spirituality, and Women of Color Feminism: Applying Gloria Anzaldúa in and out of the Classroom for Healing and Empowerment,”
Xamuel Bañales
Chapter 16: “Carrying Gloria on My Back: A Pedagogic and Research Journal,”
Luis Gabriel Sanchez Rose
Chapter 17: “A Crack to Speak Out From: Performing Coalitional Politics Through Dialogue, Listening, and Reflexivity,”
Robert Gutierrez-Perez and Bedilia Ramirez
Chapter 18: “Becoming a Bridge in/through Critical Communication Scholarship:
Meditations on the Affective Afterlife of Cultural Normativities,”
Gust A. Yep