Lexington Books
Pages: 434
Trim: 6½ x 9
978-1-4985-5875-4 • Hardback • October 2019 • $146.00 • (£112.00)
978-1-4985-5877-8 • Paperback • October 2021 • $52.99 • (£41.00)
978-1-4985-5876-1 • eBook • October 2019 • $50.00 • (£38.00)
Leandra H. Hernández is assistant professor of communication at Utah Valley University.
Diana I. Bowen is assistant professor of communication at Pepperdine University.
Sarah De Los Santos Upton is assistant professor of communication at the University of Texas at El Paso.
Amanda R. Martinez is associate professor of communication studies and Sociology at Davidson College.
Introduction: Latina/o/x Communication Studies: Current Considerations & Future Directions
Chapter 1: Deconstructing “Build That Wall”: A Latina/o Critical Communication Theory Analysis
Chapter 2: Linguistic Capital: Latinx and English/Spanish Language Fluency
Chapter 3: Latinidad, Heterogeneity, and Health Communication Scholarship: A Literature Review Analysis of Latina/o/x Representation
Chapter 4: Evaluating a Webnovela’s Effectiveness of HPV Vaccine Promotion among Latinas
Chapter 5: A Latina Captain: Decentering Latinidad Through Audience Constructions in Dexter
Chapter 6: El Chamizal: Cementing National Identity with a Concrete Canal on the México/U.S. Border
Chapter 7: Visions of the Border in Mexican Political Cartoons
Chapter 8: Buen Vivir: Indigeneity, Environmental Activism, and Decolonial Organizing
Chapter 9: Nepantla Activism in Braiding Borders+Trenzando Fronteras
Chapter 10: Towards a Borderland Oratory: Within, Against, & Beyond Con Carácter, Ánimo, Y Grito
Chapter 11: First-Generation Chicana/o Student Activism: A Narrative Analysis of the Impacts on Retention and Matriculation
Chapter 12: On the Specters of Coloniality / A Letter to Latina/o/x Students Journeying through the Educational Pipeline
Chapter 13: Vernaculars of Nos/Otros: A Collaborative Autoethnography of Mentoring
Chapter 14: Lessons from My Battle Scars: Testimonio’s Transformative Possibilities for Theory and Practice
Conclusion: The Futures of Latina/o/x Communication Studies: A Plática with Senior Scholars
Latina/o/x Communication Studies: Theories, Methods and Practice gives a comprehensive look at the varied landscape that is Latina/o/x studies in the field of communication. The editors and contributors bring readers through a variety of topics, doing a fully-researched deep dive and do an excellent job addressing an important, and often understudied, area. This book is a valuable resource for all scholars who are seeking to have a firm understanding of the importance and pervasiveness of Latina/o/x Communication Studies. Well written and well-constructed, this book is a reminder of the cultural values implicitly embedded in how scholars do what we do.
— Jennifer Willis-Rivera, University of Wisconsin River Falls
Written by and for a Latina/o/x audience, this important book offers insights missing from much of the academic literature on “Hispanic” populations. The editors provide a thorough and accessible overview of contemporary Latina/o/x communication studies and issues with insights from the field’s leading and most promising young scholars. Well written, organized, and accessible, this book makes a significant contribution to the field.
— Frank G. Pérez, University of Texas at El Paso
Revolutionary and revelatory, this book is an essential read for students, professors, staff, and administrators seeking positive change! The editors have curated a volume of important and timely works by Latina/o/x Communication scholars. This anthology advances illuminating insights through three main sections: Latina/o/x Communication: Theory, Method, & Representation, Latina/o/x Border Studies, Rhetorics, & Social Movements and Latina/o/x Experiences in Academic Contexts. This book provides readers with much needed inspiration at a paramount point in our history.
— Teresita (Tere) Garza, St. Edward's University