Nandita Batra and Mario Wenning
I. Contesting Exceptionalism
1. Bridging the Abyss: Re-interpreting Heidegger’s Animals as a Basis for inter-species Understanding
Joshua A. Bergamin
2. Ramayana’s Hanuman—Animal, Human or Divine
Sukanya B. Senapati
3. Aesop: Figuring the Human/Animal Boundary
John Hartigan
II. Representing the Human-Animal Boundary
4. ‘Zones of Non-Knowledge’: Facing The Open with R. M. Rilke, Martin Heidegger, and Giorgio Agamben
Sabine Lenore Müller
5. The Avoidance of Moral Responsibility towards Animals: Coleridge’s ‘The Rime of the Ancient Mariner’ and the Human Animal Boundary
Tomaž Grušovnik
6. The Cattle in the Long Cedar Springs Draw
Gary Comstock
7. Re-writing the Human-Animal Divide: Humanism and Octavia Butler’s “Amborg”
Aparajita Nanda
8. Milton’s Elephant
James P. Conlan
III. Re-Situating the Human/Animal Boundary
9. The Moral Duties of Dolphins
Sara Gavrell Ortiz
10. Great Apes and Lesser Humans: Goodall and the Geographic Entangled in Uhuru
Kristian Bjørkdahl
11. The Empress and the Beast: Finding a Philosophical Voice in Fiction
Alison Suen
12. A Bestiary for the Anthropocene: The End of Nature and the Future of Animal Life on Planet Earth
Eduardo Mendieta